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ISIS update 8\8\2015..Obama intending to use US warplanes extrajudicially

Saturday, August 8, 2015 13:18
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(Before It's News)

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A Year Of U.S. Coalition Airstrikes In Iraq And Syria

US-Led Coalition Launches 27 Airstrikes Against ISIL in Syria, Iraq

The coalition has carried out more than 5600 airstrikes in its air campaign against the Islamic State.

“In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 11 airstrikes using fighter, fighter-attack and remotely piloted aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 16 airstrikes coordinated with the Government of Iraq using attack, fighter-attack, bomber and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets.”

In Syria, coalition air power struck ISIL tactical units, fighting positions and infrastructure in Kobane, Aleppo, Hasakah and Raqqah. In Iraq, coalition forces targeted ISIL militants near eight different Iraqi cities, hitting ISIL vehicles, fighting positions, tactical units, weapons stocks and staging areas.

Germany and Austria should take seriously the threat of so-called lone-wolf terror attacks after two German-speaking Islamic State militants published a video online calling on people at home to attack unbelievers.

“The coalition and our partners on the ground are continuing to tighten the noose around Daesh [ISIL] in Iraq and Syria,” the coalition’s Chief of Staff Brig. Gen. Kevin Killea said in the statement.

“Every member of the coalition plays a vital role in degrading the terrorist organization, and we are all working to dismantle Daesh [ISIL[ while limiting their ability to harm civilians,” the commander added.

The continuing airstrikes follows a damning report earlier this week by Airwars project, a group monitoring the anti-Islamic State coalition’s attacks, which found that more than 450 civilians have been killed in US-led airstrikes against ISIL in Syria and Iraq since the start of its campaign in 2014.

The US-led international coalition has been launching airstrikes against the group’s positions in Iraq since August 2014, and expanded the attacks to include ISIL targets in Syria in September 2014.

Obama Heads for Full-Scale War on Syria 

It’s been coming for a long time – facilitated by repeated Big Lies about Bashar al-Assad, ignoring his overwhelming public support, especially for defending Syria against an imported Islamic State and other takfiri terrorists, enlisted by Washington as foot soldiers to topple his government.

Obama upped the stakes a year ago by authorizing the bombing of Syrian infrastructure targets, a bandit diktat without Security Council or congressional authorization – on the phony pretext of fighting IS.

Now in collaboration with Turkey, plans are to establish (illegal) buffer and no-fly zones in northern Syria bordering southeastern Turkey.

Its airbases are being used to bomb Syrian sites – again on the phony pretext of fighting IS. Belligerent comments from Washington suggest full-scale war may be imminent.

Deputy State Department spokesman Mark Toner lied saying Washington seeks a political solution to Obama’s war. It “cannot include President Assad,” he added. A litany of Big Lies followed:

Toner: “The Assad regime has carried out brutal attacks on the civilian population of Syria.”

Fact: Syrian military forces defend the civilian population against US enlisted death squad invaders.

Toner: Assad “had been instrumental in creating the kind of lawless area to the north where ISIL has been able to” get control.

Fact: Blaming victims is longstanding US policy. Washington, rogue NATO partners, Israel and other regional allies bear full responsibility for nearly four-and-a-half years of conflict in Syria.

Toner: “(W)e’re trying to dislodge (IS), destroy it, defeat it.”

Fact: IS is a US creation – a proxy death squad force to do Washington’s killing for it on the ground wherever it’s deployed.

Toner: Iran is excluded from efforts to resolve Syria’s conflict diplomatically as “long as it supports Assad.”

Fact: Tehran supports his legitimate right of self-defense. UN/Arab League envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura believes Iran’s involvement is essential to have any hope for resolution.

Toner: “The Assad regime, frankly, is the root of all evil here. It has created conditions in which we find ourselves.”

Fact: Truth is polar opposite. This comment and numerous others like it show Obama’s war will continue until Assad is toppled, assuring Syria will be more greatly ravaged and destroyed than already.

All signs point to Obama intending to use US warplanes extrajudicially (with no Security Council or congressional authorization) against Syria’s military, strategic sites, as well as perhaps Damascus and other cities – putting civilians more in harm’s way than already.

Libya 2.0 may be imminent – maybe launched while Congress is on summer break, political focus is on the 2016 presidential race, and many Americans are enjoying summer activities.

Reports indicate Turkish military forces are deployed near Syria’s border. Washington warned Assad against attacking so-called moderate rebels or face a direct US response.

No moderate elements exist. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem said “(f)or us…there is no moderate opposition and immoderate opposition. Whoever carries weapons against the state is a terrorist.”

All other countries operate by the same standard. They’d act no differently from Syria in defending their territory against foreign invaders. It’s a fundamental obligation.

Assad responsibly defending Syria and its population from US enlisted IS and other terrorists may now become pretext for Obama initiating full-scale war – perhaps jointly with Turkey and other NATO partners.

Another Libya-type conflict looms – perhaps planned all along because imported terrorists can’t topple Assad on their own. They’re no match against Syria’s superior military in head-to-head fighting.

With full-scale US war perhaps imminent, the fate of another regional country hangs in the balance. Stephen Lendman

“We Have A Civil War”: Inside Turkey’s Descent Into Political, Social, And Economic Chaos

Deflecting criticism surrounding Ankara’s anti-terror air campaign, Turkey’s foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu last week told state television that strikes against ISIS targets would pick up once the US had its resources in place at Incirlik which will supposedly serve as a hub for a new “comprehensive battle.”

Turkey has had a difficult time explaining why, after obtaining NATO support for a new offensive campaign to root out “terrorists”, its efforts have concentrated almost solely on the PKK and not on ISIS. As we’ve discussed in great detail (here, here, and here), and as the entire world is now acutely aware, Ankara’s newfound zeal for eradicating ISIS is nothing more than a cover for its efforts to undermine support for the PKK ahead of snap elections where President Tayyip Erdogan hopes to win back AKP’s absolute majority in parliament which it lost last month for the first time in 12 years.

Cavusoglu was effectively suggesting that the reason it appears as though Ankara is overwhelmingly targeting the PKK at the possible expense of efforts to weaken ISIS is because Turkey must wait for the US to show up first, at which point the “real” fight will begin with the possible assistance of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Qatar. In the meantime, the country is descending into civil war and for many Kurds, the frontlines are all too familiar. Here’s Al Jazeera:

Located on the Tigris River just upstream from Turkey’s Iraqi and Syrian borders, Cizre has been shaken by nocturnal gun battles between police and residents in recent days.

Its streets remain deserted after sunset, while families sleep in the innermost rooms of Cizre’s squat, cinderblock homes to protect themselves from gunfire.

Hostilities have smouldered here since Turkey’s government and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) abruptly ended a two-year ceasefire in late July, imperilling the hard-won gains of Kurdish politicians and reversing prospects for a historic peace deal nearly achieved in March.

Since July 23, Ankara has launched hundreds of bombing missions against the PKK’s strongholds in northern Iraq, while the PKK has killed at least 18 members of Turkey’s security forces in guerrilla attacks throughout the country’s east.

Those attacks have put Cizre, a long-defiant bastion of pro-Kurdish sentiment, back on the front lines of a conflict that has cost more than 30,000 lives since 1984.

“They say war is coming, but it’s already here in Cizre,” said Rasid Nerse, a 26-year-old construction worker.

Fighting intensifies as Turkey moves against Kurds inside Turkey


Kurds Clash With Turkish Police In Two Southeastern Towns

Iraqi students, professors train to fight ISIL

Iraqi universities turn into military training grounds

Singled out for genocide by the so-called Islamic State and abandoned by the Iraqi Kurds, young Yazidis on Mount Sinjar in Iraq are flocking to the militias and ideology of a quasi-Marxist group blacklisted as a terrorist organization in the West.

Formed into what they’re calling Sinjar Protection Units, or YBŞ, the Yazidis—both male and female—have sworn to defend their homeland and to avenge ISIS’s campaign of rape, kidnapping, and murder.

It’s been just a year now since the jihadists launched their assault on the Yazidis at the beginning of August 2014. ISIS had taken the second biggest city in Iraq, Mosul, weeks before. But Washington, slow to react, did not begin a bombing campaign to try to stop the group’s offensive until August 7 when President Barack Obama announced the United States would commence airstrikes “to help save thousands of Iraqi civilians who are trapped on a mountain without food and water and facing almost certain death.”

So began America’s reentry into the complex and baffling war in Iraq and eventually Syria as well.

But the operation failed to save thousands of Yazidi men summarily executed and women sold as jihadist slaves, and this small ethno-religious group regarded as infidels and even devil worshippers by the militants of ISIS is still haunted by the shadows of genocide.

Read more

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