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Rand Paul, Bobby Jindal Use Donald Trump To Gain Media Coverage

Tuesday, August 11, 2015 7:20
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After announcing that he was running for President in the 2016 election, billionaire mogul Donald Trump has garnered attention both in the polls and in the media, leading other candidates who aren’t polling as high to start using Trump to ensure media coverage of their own campaigns.

According to a poll conducted by NBC and Survey Monkey, Trump was polling at 23 percent among the 17 Republican contenders following the first GOP debate of the 2016 election on Thursday.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal received just one percent in the after-debate poll, and in an email to his supporters, he said that he was going to start a new campaign strategy: talking about Trump to ensure media coverage.

“I realize that the best way to make news is to mention Donald Trump. That’s the gold standard for making news,” Jindal wrote. “So, I’ve decided to randomly put his name into my remarks at various points, thereby ensuring that the news media will cover what I have to say.”

“But while the media is glued to everything Donald Trump says and hoping for Republican on Republican attacks, there is a soap opera happening on the Democrat side that needs more attention,” wrote Jindal, who went on to write that the Democratic frontrunner is currently “under investigation by the FBI.”

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, who was at five percent in the poll, began calling out Trump for being a “fake conservative” following the first GOP debate.

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In a statement obtained by The Courier-Journal, Paul said he was amazed that anyone in the Tea Party movement could “consider Clinton/Reid/Pelosi supporter Donald Trump for President.”

“This is a guy who said in 1999 that he was a strong supporter of the United Nations. He was for partial birth abortion before he was against it. He lavished praise on the bank bailouts,” Paul said. “He was for Obamacare before he was against it and has said he’s ‘liberal on health care.’”

“People have to wonder whether these newfound beliefs of Donald Trump are real or just part of his reality show,” said Paul, who called Trump a “bully” and claimed he was the only candidate on the debate stage to stand up to him.

On Monday, Paul held a conference call with reporters on the subject of Trump, where he criticized the current GOP frontrunner for running a campaign lacking substance and for making disparaging comments about women.

Trump took to his Twitter account to respond to Paul on Monday evening. Instead of responding to Paul’s accusations that he was a “fake conservative,” Trump called Paul a “spoiled brat without a properly functioning brain.”

Trump also praised rival Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s debate performance, saying it was “far better than Rand Paul.” Cruz recently told Politico that he believes it is “foolish” to criticize Trump, and dangerous for other GOP candidates to alienate Trump supporters.

For more election coverage, click here.

The post Rand Paul, Bobby Jindal Use Donald Trump To Gain Media Coverage appeared first on Ben Swann's Truth In Media.

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