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The Point of No Return: Global Warming Nightmares Are Already Here

Wednesday, August 5, 2015 20:36
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

The Point of No Return: Global Warming Nightmares Are Already Here –The worst predicted impacts of climate change global warming are starting to happen — and much faster than climate scientists expected | 05 Aug 2015 | …London reached 98 degrees Fahrenheit during the hottest July day ever recorded in the U.K.; The Guardian briefly had to pause its live blog of the heat wave because its computer servers overheated…On July 20th, James Hansen, the former NASA climatologist who brought climate change to the public's attention in the summer of 1988, issued a bombshell: He and a team of climate scientists had identified a newly important feedback mechanism off the coast of Antarctica that suggests mean sea levels could rise 10 times faster than previously predicted: 10 feet by 2065. The authors included this chilling warning: If emissions aren't cut, “We conclude that multi-meter sea-level rise would become practically unavoidable. Social disruption and economic consequences of such large sea-level rise could be devastating. It is not difficult to imagine that conflicts arising from forced migrations and economic collapse might make the planet ungovernable, threatening the fabric of civilization.”


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