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To press for Iran nuclear deal, Obama invokes Iraq war

Wednesday, August 5, 2015 22:30
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

To press for Iran nuclear deal, Obama invokes Iraq war | 05 Aug 2015 | President Obama lashed out at critics of the Iran nuclear deal on Wednesday, saying many of those who backed the U.S. invasion of Iraq now want to reject the Iran accord and put the Middle East on the path toward another war. Obama also said that if Congress rejects the deal, it will undermine America's standing in global diplomacy, leaving the United States isolated and putting Israel in even greater peril. While calling the nuclear accord with Iran “the strongest nonproliferation agreement ever negotiated,” Obama also seemed to turn the vote on the deal into a referendum on the U.S. invasion of Iraq a dozen years ago, a decision he portrayed as the product of a “mind-set characterized by a preference for military action over diplomacy.”


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  • And? what’s the point of posting this? To point out that he’s right? :lol:

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