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ISIS update 9\2\2015..anti-terrorism fight in Syria can become efficient

Wednesday, September 2, 2015 11:35
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(Before It's News)

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Russia says anti-terrorism fight in Syria can become efficient

On Russian military interventions (or lack thereof)

………First and foremost, I want to remind everybody that Russia has already single-handedly stopped a planned US attack on Syria by simultaneously sending a naval task force off the Syrian coast (thereby providing the Syrians of a full view of the airspace in and around Syria) and by brilliantly suggesting that Syria get rid of her (utterly useless) chemical weapons (which, of course, some saw as a “betrayal” and “disarming” of Syria). Russia can still help Syria by sending military hardware, advisors, sharing intelligence and, most importantly, providing political cover.

Should the Syrian armed forces truly suffer from a military reversal and should the government be threatened, Hezbollah will be the first to intervene (as they already have), followed by Iran (as they, reportedly, also already have). With Hezbollah and Iranian boots on the ground (the latter probably also in Hezbollah uniforms), there is no need at all for Russian forces. At least not “regular” military ones.

It is possible, and even likely, that the Russians would (or already have) send covert units into Syria. What we are talking here are GRU and SVR special teams, mostly posing as “advisors” or private military contractors or even “technical assistance” personnel. Still, by all accounts the Syrian forces are extremely capable and we should not assume that they need any special outside expertise. And to the degree that outside assistance would be needed, Hezbollah would probably be much better suited for this task than Russian units.

As far as I know, the Syrians do lack some types modern equipment, especially modern electronics and optics. I am confident that the Russians can supply those, if needed through Iran. Finally, since this war has been going on for so many years already, I am sure that the Syrian military has difficulties with spares and repairs. Here again, Iran can help, with Russian aid if needed.


For the Russians to intervene directly in Syria would be illegal, politically impossible and pragmatically ineffective. Russia is much better off playing her role in the Hezbollah-Iran-Russia “chain of support” for Syria.

For all the AngloZionist propaganda about the resurgent Russian Bear planning to invade Europe and for all the sophomoric demands by pseudo-friends of Russia for Russian military interventions – Russia has absolutely no obligation or intention to intervene anywhere. The US example has already shown how costly and self-defeating it is for a country to declare itself the world policeman and to use military force to try to solve every one of the world’s crises. Russia is not the USA and she is not even an “anti-USA”. And that is, in my opinion, a very good thing for everybody.

The Saker

Head of Iran’s Quds Force: US turning ISIL into its lever in region

Confirmed: Washington Intends to “Use” Al Qaeda to “Take Out” Syria and Overthrow the Assad Government

….Across America, the fruits of this global war is endemic paranoia, the broken bodies and minds of neglected war veterans, and a nation whose people and resources have been pillaged to fight what is apparently a non-existent threat so benign, the US is now prepared to build it up into a functioning, standing army and assist it in seizing one nation after another across the MENA region.

Over a decade of global atrocities committed against both nations abroad and against the American people themselves has finally come full circle. A conspiracy to create a regional front from the very enemies the US was at the time citing as justification for the “War on Terror” is now being implemented in full. It is a conspiracy that has transcended two presidential administrations – evidence that US foreign policy is driven not by the aspirations of the American people through their elected representatives, but by unelected special interests who pen policy papers that are simply spun around whichever political narrative is prevailing at any given time.

During the Bush administration, that narrative was the “War on Terror.” During the Obama administration that narrative was the “Humanitarian War.” In reality, it was a singular, continuous agenda that has seamlessly moved forward to where it stands at present, with the US media attempting to convince the American public and the world’s population in general on the eve of yet another 9/11 anniversary, that Al Qaeda are the “good guys” and now is the time to hand them the nation of Syria.

Tony Cartalucci,

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Syrian Army Sources Deny Russia’s Military Intervention inside Syria

A Syrian military source denied the arrival of the Russian Air Force in the provincial capital of the Lattakia Governorate, despite numerous reports from Israeli and Syrian Opposition media outlets that asserted they received this Intel through “inside” sources.

The Syrian Air Force’s source denied the arrival of the Russian Air Force; however, he did confirm the presence of Russian and Iranian military advisors inside this coastal city, but he could not give details regarding their visit to Syria, al-Masdar reported.

Last week, the Russian Federation agreed to boost its military aid by providing satellite imagery to the Syrian Armed Forces, while also increasing the level of military intelligence they share with the Syrian Army’s Central Command.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has been very critical of the Anti-ISIL Coalitions, calling the airstrikes “”ineffective” and criticizing the countries involved for their double standards in regards to combatting terrorism.

Syria in Last 24 Hours: Army Destroys Takfiri Terrorists’ Hideouts in Hama

The Syrian air force in an air assault destroyed the hideouts and the concentration centers of the Takfiri terrorists in Hama province, killing tens of militants.

The ISIL terrorists were killed in the Syrian warplanes airstrikes in Qleidin, Daqman and al-Zaqoum areas in the countryside of Hama province.

Tens of terrorists were killed and dozens more injured in the Syrian airstrikes on their positions in Northwestern Hama.

Also in the past 24 hours, the Syrian army strongly rejected media reports that the Southeastern parts of the town of Fuaa have fallen to the hand of the Takfiri terrorists.

The army’s rejection came after some pro-West media outlets claimed that the foreign-backed militants had captured key areas in Southeastern Fuaa.

The Syrian military sources said that fierce clashes are going on between the Syrian forces and the terrorist groups in the outskirts of Fuaa and Kafraya towns in Idlib province, but the militants have failed to capture any part of Fuaa.

The militants have pushed popular forces back from a village in Northeast of Fuaa, but heavy clashes are still underway in areas 3km to the East of the city.

Some 3,000 rockets, mortar and artillery shells have been fired at Fuaa and Kafraya in the last 48 hours.

Since July, the Syrian popular defense forces have repeatedly repelled the Takfiri terrorists’ attacks on two Fuaa and Kafraya towns, and inflicted heavy damage and casualties on the militants.

The militants of the Jeish al-Fath terrorist group, an alliance of Al-Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham militant groups, have repeatedly attempted to sneak into the towns of Kafraya and Fuaa, but the popular forces foiled their attack.

It is now five months that the Jeish al-Fath terrorist group has besieged Kafraya and Fuaa.

The two Shiite-populated towns were part of a ceasefire deal between the Syrian and Hezbollah forces and the militant groups.

Also, at least 64 terrorists of the so-called “Jeish al-Fath” were killed in the Idlib.

On Tuesday, the Syrian air strikes hit positions of terrorists in the towns of al-Sawaghiyeh, Binnish, Kelli, Zardana and in the vicinity of al-Fuaa town in the Northeastern countryside of Idlib.

Field sources said that at least 12 terrorists were killed in the air strikes, including Ali al-Zaarour.

Elsewhere, the Syrian air force launched airstrikes on the positions and supply routes of the terrorists of the al-Nusra Front in Wadi Bassour village in Kinsabba area in Lattakia province, inflicting heavy casualties on the militants.

Dozens of al-Nusra terrorists, including a senior Saudi commander of the terrorist group and three Turkish terrorists, were killed in the air strikes on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, the Syrian army killed all the members of a terrorist group, and destroyed a BMP vehicle, four heavy machineguns and a cannon in Jib al-Ahmar village near the border with Hama province.

Russia Underlines Bashar Al-Assad as Legitimate President of Syria


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