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¡Jeb! Fires Back: Trump Is a Germaphobe

Wednesday, September 2, 2015 8:38
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(Before It's News)

By Hunter Wallace

This attack is even lamer than the poor little ¡Jeb! plane that flew above the stadium in Mobile:

“”Well I think had really no choice. He’s doing very poorly in the polls, he’s a very low-energy kind of guy and he had to do something, so they’re spending a lot of money on ads,” he told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos by telephone on “Good Morning America.” …

Still, Trump tried to spin the video as a sign that Bush was desperate to throw a lot of money at an effort to bring him down.

“And you know, he has a lot of money from the hedge-fund guys from the special interests, from lobbyists. He raised over $100 million, they control him totally, so he really had no choice, I think, George. He had to go out with an ad. He did a very expensive ad, and you know let’s see what happens. So far everybody that’s attacked me has gone down, but let’s see what happens here,” he added. …

Bush continued to fight back on Wednesday, launching an interactive page on his campaign website asking visitors to find out “Which candidate are you?”

“Would you rather support a candidate who: Strives to shake every hand everywhere or is a germaphobe when it comes to shaking hands?” one of the questions asks, an apparent reference to Trump’s known dislike for shaking hands.”


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