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Now We Know Why the President Still Pretends to Be a Christian

Wednesday, September 23, 2015 15:10
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Imrs php

Well, we have the answer now for why Barack Obama continues to play at being a Christian, though dripping with contempt for the church in his actions and policies.

Pew Research Center asked people to rate religions. Turns out that black protestants take a very dim view of atheists. In fact, only 30% of black protestants have favorable views of atheists. The President has needed black voters to support him. If he goes full atheist, he’d see a dent in that support.

Interestingly, atheists hold Buddists and Muslims in higher esteem than they do Christians and Mormons. That also explains Barack Obama and his Administration.

The post Now We Know Why the President Still Pretends to Be a Christian appeared first on RedState.


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