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Friday’s Wall Street Journal carries an incredible story about how Obama’s dishonesty with a long time ally, Israel, brought about a situation where both sides were spying on each other and the US was actually lying to Israel about the status of negotiations that eventually awarded Iran the right to build a nuclear weapon.
Buried in the story is this snippet:
The U.S. closely monitored Israel’s military bases and eavesdropped on secret communications in 2012, fearing its longtime ally might try to carry out a strike on Fordow, Iran’s most heavily fortified nuclear facility.
Nerves frayed at the White House after senior officials learned Israeli aircraft had flown in and out of Iran in what some believed was a dry run for a commando raid on the site. Worried that Israel might ignite a regional war, the White House sent a second aircraft carrier to the region and readied attack aircraft, a senior U.S. official said, “in case all hell broke loose.”
The two countries, nursing a mutual distrust, each had something to hide. U.S. officials hoped to restrain Israel long enough to advance negotiations on a nuclear deal with Iran that the U.S. had launched in secret. U.S. officials saw Israel’s strike preparations as an attempt to usurp American foreign policy.
The carrier, the USS Enterprise, made headlines at the time.
Several sources, such as the MRC, have interpreted this to mean that the administration was positioning itself to shoot down Israeli attack aircraft if they were launched on a mission to destroy Iran’s nuclear capability. This is not far fetched. This administration has shown time and again that it is willing to kill as many people as it takes to make its. If you doubt this, just look at Libya, Syria, and Iraq or look at the narco-violence fueled by the administration’s ‘gun walking’ scheme in Arizona.
Given Obama’s obeisance to the whims of the Iranian mullahs it is hard to think of what useful purpose an additional US aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf would accomplish in the way of anything to the benefit of Israel as the Iranian Air Force is simply too incompetent to carry out a reprisal against Israel. Given the way the administration was cutting Israel out of the Iran negotiations and the amount of personal prestige Obama staked on surrendering to the Iranians it is difficult to credit that Obama was willing to let Israel attempt a strike and then defend it against Iran.
The WSJ article says:
But it is unclear how the White House will respond to any covert Israeli actions against Iran’s nuclear program, which current and former Israeli officials said were imperative to safeguard their country.
One clause in the agreement says the major powers will help the Iranians secure their facilities against sabotage. State Department officials said the clause wouldn’t protect Iranian nuclear sites from Israel.
But that interpretation of the ‘treaty’ with Iran runs in direct contradiction of the text. When the terms of the deal became public we posted on it. The US has an affirmative obligation to protect Iran’s nuclear infrastructure. Given that was part of the final terms it makes the idea that we were prepared to intercept an Israeli strike much less than improbable.
We don’t know what the Obama regime had in mind back in 2012. What we do know is the way it has maltreated the only democratically elected government in the region and the fetish it has made of improving US relations with Iran. We also know what the final agreement that gave Iran nuclear weapons (mostly) looks like.
Taken together it is not hard to cast the intentions of the administration in the worst possible light, in fact, history tells us we’d be remiss to not do so.
The post Did Obama plan to shoot down an Israeli strike against Iran? appeared first on RedState.