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Jim Webb Drops Out of Democratic Race

Tuesday, October 20, 2015 13:46
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(Before It's News)

By Hunter Wallace

Jim Webb should have known there is no room left in the modern Democratic Party for a cisgendered Southern White male war veteran who believes “all lives matter”:

“Washington (CNN) – Jim Webb ended his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination at a press conference Tuesday, telling reporters he will consider an independent bid.

Speaking at the National Press Club in Washington, Webb argued the Democratic Party has moved away from “millions of dedicated, hard-working Americans. …”

Webb must have concluded that his campaign would never recover from his “all lives matter” gaffe in last week’s Democratic debate. It makes much more sense to run as an independent to reach his target audience. Martin O’Malley apologized for saying “all lives matter,” but it hasn’t done him any good in the polls.


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