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Joaquin Flores says Russia has changed history and reaffirmed the basic principles of international law

Sunday, October 4, 2015 12:11
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Flores: Russia has changed history and reaffirmed the basic principles of international law
October 3rd, 2015 –
Fort Russ –
Al Etejah TV English – Lebanon & Iraq –

Not only are the Russian airstrikes representative of a change in direction of the war in Syria – it is a change in direction of world history.

Flores explain that is a reaffirmation of the principles enshrined in international law and the UN Charter, which has been flagrantly trounced and discarded by the criminal US Empire.

The question remains whether Russia will be able to put to bed the foreign ISIS invasion of Syria and Iraq. Strategically, this will depend on whether Saudi Arabia and Turkey can be directly discouraged in some way.


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