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No One Cares About the Sexual Orientation of Athletes Except the Left

Saturday, October 24, 2015 14:47
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As we’re constantly reminded by social justice warriors, it’s 2015. Gender and sexual orientation don’t matter, and it’s highly disrespectful to focus on them. “Stop looking at those things. They just don’t matter. Be progressive and open-minded, fool!”

The SJW crowd is filled to the brim with those who claim to look past whether you’re a girl or gay, yet overwhelmingly, they are the ones spotlighting the very things they tell us to look past. And it gets awfully tiresome.

Sports is an arena where the announcement of someone’s sexual orientation, especially if they’re a male athlete, is praised, celebrated, and placed on the front cover. All this attention has nothing to do with ability, hardwork, or experience. Instead of highlighting the on-the-field skill, attention is on everything off the field, and that causes a lot of batting eyelashes at the progressiveness of it all. My question though is, who cares? Am I supposed to? I don’t.

The well-known drama surrounding football player Michael Sam was the height of absurdity. The University of Missouri player, who was named Co-Defensive Player of the Year in 2013, came out as gay in February 2014 to the applause of the blushing-with-excitement media. Then came his chance as he was drafted by the St. Louis Rams. Then he was cut by the St. Louis Rams. You could hear the collective gasp from the Left:

Sam, the first openly gay player to be drafted by an NFL team, failed to make the 53-man roster…

Then came his time on the practice squad of the Dallas Cowboys. Then he was waived by the Cowboys. Then came his time on the Montreal Alouettes, the first openly gay player in the CFL. Ultimately, Michael Sam left the team not long after signing, and left of his own accord. It sounds like being a professional football player is not for him. In September, Sam shared his thoughts on it all:

Michael Sam could very well still be playing in the NFL had he not come out as gay, the former St. Louis Ram told sportscaster Dan Patrick on Friday.

How disappointing. First, the unnecessary media spectacle, and second, Sam’s inability to step outside of himself and realize that he is just not cut out for the league, a truth which has nothing to do with sexuality. After all, teams want the best football players. And if you’re not the best, you’re not on the team.

Although the sports world should have learned from such a ridiculous display, it did not. This week, British-born American Olympic medalist and freestyle skier, Gus Kenworthy, came out as gay. And as expected, graced the cover of ESPN magazine, because of course.

At the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, he won a silver medal, which is an amazing accomplishment. But I had to look that up. The first thing I knew about Gus? That he is gay. And that has nothing to do with his ability as an athlete. So it begins: the celebration of Gus’ private life, and watching to see if he will meet expectations. Then if he doesn’t, the Left will clamor about the lack of acceptance and equality when it has nothing to do with that. The attention on Kenworthy is no different from Michael Sam, which again, is disappointing. If I like skiing, I will watch skiing. If I like football, I will watch football. I don’t do a quick search to see what orientation the athletes are, because I don’t care. Groundbreaking, huh?

The Left, in all their insistence that sexual orientation doesn’t matter, is clearly the side obsessed with it. They fetishize the private lives of others, put them on display (and the parties agree), then dare to tell the Right to stop snooping. It’s exhausting, an exercise in eye-rolling for me, and, as seen with Sam and Kenworthy, won’t be stopping anytime soon. All this while the vast majority of people tuning in for an athletic event are there only for the sport. We’re so advanced in 2015, aren’t we?

The post No One Cares About the Sexual Orientation of Athletes Except the Left appeared first on RedState.


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