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Can the conservatives prove to be too strong for Pope Francis and his intention to ‘open’ the Church? Noone in recent times has been further from what he preaches than Pope Francis. While his predecessor, Pope Benedict was made fun of for his apparent resemblance to an ungodly creature, Francis has done something worse: He has used his position as the leader of the Vatican and the Catholic Church to rally his followers and supporters to open both institutions to so-called liberal ideas and ideals that are diametrically opposed to the faith he claims to be faithful to. With his conduct, Francis has shocked both his supporters and opponents not only due to his public standing on religious and social issues, but also for the smooth way in which he uses populism to attract even the most skeptical people. Francis has adopted language proper of the most loyal socio-communist to lure desperate followers into supporting his globalist agenda. When Pope Francis visited Philadelphia on September 26 to head the World Meeting of Families, the conservatives of the Church were already there. Cardinals Gerhard L. Müller and Antonio Maria Rouco had breakfast at the luxurious Marriott -more than 400 euros the night, in an attempt to show off themselves together in the United States a few days before the opening in Rome’s Synod of Bishops, a supposed warning to Jorge Mario Bergoglio for his attempt to open the Church to new family models that, from the conservative side, seems to have a strong and well-organized opposition. On Saturday, just a day before the opening of the Synod on the Family, a very timely bombshell obscured the two events with which the Pope planned to address the 270 synod fathers -bishops, cardinals and religious leaders about his openness. Polish prelate Charamsa Krzysztof, 43, declared to the four winds his homosexuality. He was photographed wearing the rigorous suit and with her boyfriend Edouard. In the same act he denounced “Vatican homophobia.” The most curious fact was that both Krzysztof and Archbishop Gerhard L, friend of Rouco, had been working theologians at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the former Holy Office. Although apparently due to conflicting motives, both were benefited with the ‘bombshell’ exploding on the eve of the Synod. The Polish prelate did not hide his intentions: “I wanted to say to the Synod that homosexual love is a family love, which needs the family. Everyone, even the gays, lesbians or transsexuals, carries in his heart a desire to love and familiarity. Everyone has the right to love and that love should be protected by society, by the laws. But above all, it must be cared for by the Church,” said Krzysztof. Cardinal Müller has made no statements, but the confession by Monsignor Charamsa has brought him two reasons for satisfaction. First, it is clear that despite Francis’ message, the Vatican remains intransigent towards homosexuality. Spokesman, Federico Lombardi, a reacted calling the confession of the Polish prelate as “very serious” and announcing his immediate dismissal from his job in the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith and the Pontifical Gregorian University. Second, those who, like Müller and Rouco oppose any opening, have another argument on Bergoglio’s message of “Who am I to judge a gay?” That message helps open the door to public ‘sincerity’ never appreciated in the Vatican, where discretion was always considered better than virtue. There, in the unexpected departure of Bishop Charamsa, there is another source of satisfaction for his boss, Cardinal Müller. Any opening that may take place during the next three weeks, especially if it is suggested by Francis, will be too much for the traditionalists. The Synod will discuss access to the sacraments for the divorced and those who remarried, new types of family, understanding towards homosexuals, while from within the Vatican itself, we have just learned that there are other more pressing issues: Keeping the door closed to women priests, war against pedophilia, stigmatization of homosexuality and others of the kind. During the next three weeks, 270 single men will decide the position of the Catholic Church on the new challenges of the family. They will be joined by 24 experts, 51 auditors, 14 representatives of other religions and 18 heterosexual couples. The goal, says Bergoglio, is “to seek, receive and accompany” people in a “rather difficult” context, where loneliness has become “the drama that afflicts many men and women.” The Pope has asked to give back value to the “the faithful and lasting love”, but also called the Synod’s fathers to keep in mind that “the Church must be a “field hospital” that “looks for and heals the wounded couples with the oil of acceptance and mercy.” We all know who Francis was before he became Pope. We know about his past as an aid to the oppressive powers in the Argentinian civil war. We also know about his mistaken conception regarding Global Warming, a myth he is helping to push along with those who seek to reduce humanity from 7 billion to just 500,000 million. An equally egregious sin that the Pope continues to commit is his intolerance, although he speaks of the opposite. Jorge Mario Bergoglio, whose message and expressiveness often ranks him above many public figures within the religious community, issued a strange statement last January in Paris. He said that people have the right to free speech, but that such […]
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