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Vladimir Putin says US cheated whole world over Iran nuclear program

Thursday, October 22, 2015 15:46
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Putin: US cheated whole world over Iran nuclear program – YouTube


The Russian president has criticized the US for continuing to develop its missile system despite the fact that the dispute over Iran’s nuclear program has been solved.

Vladimir Putin said the reason that spurred the US to build its missile system is gone, but Washington continues to develop the program. He said the US cheated the whole world over Iran’s nuclear program and now the whole world is being misled once again. Putin was speaking at the Valdai Discussion Club in Sochi. Elsewhere in his remarks, he said Iran and some other regional countries should be part of the efforts aimed at resolving the crisis in Syria. Putin added that he is confident that his country’s military action in Syria will help end the crisis and restore peace in the war-torn nation.


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