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Assassination? Former Top Putin Aide Found Dead In D.C. Hotel

Saturday, November 7, 2015 8:35
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Assassination? Former Top Putin Aide Found Dead In D.C. Hotel – YouTube


A prominent Russian millionaire with high-level ties to Putin & the Kremlin has been found dead inside a Washington DC hotel of an apparent heart attack. In 1975, during the Church Committee hearings, the existence of a secret assassination weapon came to light. The CIA had developed a poison that caused the victim to have an immediate heart attack. This poison could be frozen into the shape of a dart and then fired at high speed from a pistol. The gun was capable of shooting the icy projectile with enough speed that the dart would go right through the clothes of the target and leave just a tiny red mark. Once in the body the poison would melt and be absorbed into the blood and cause a heart attack! The poison was developed to be undetectable by modern autopsy procedures.
This Tech Existed 40+Years ago and if we had it…They were working on it!………


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