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Does that sound familiar? You may not know where you heard it, or where it’s from, but you know those words don’t you? Thomas Paine wrote those words, in a writing titled, “The Crisis.” Thomas Paine also wrote “Common Sense” during the Revolutionary War (Download the .pdf version here). Wikipedia summarizes “Common Sense” as follows:
“Common Sense is a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1775–76 that inspired people in the Thirteen Colonies to declare and fight for independence from Great Britain in the summer of 1776.”
Thomas Paine was the original blogger, or “citizen journalist,” something we need much more of today because the “powers that be” have mastered manipulating the masses. If you watch the video below, beginning at around the 10:00 minute mark, you’ll learn that as far back as 1912, there was a documented effort by the most wealthy and the most powerful people in the world to manipulate the rest of us. We no longer get “news.” We get “propaganda” that masquerades as “news.” How Stuff Works Writes:
Citizen journalism refers to any type of news gathering and reporting — writing and publishing articles about a newsworthy topic, or posting photographs or video of a newsworthy event — that is done by members of the general public rather than the professional news agencies commonly referred to as “mainstream media.” Citizen journalism has been in existence at least since Thomas Paine wrote self-published pamphlets like Common Sense that stoked the fires of independence in 1776 [source: Glaser]. But any conversation about citizen journalism in the modern age is mostly a conversation about the transformative effect of the Internet on the democratization of information.
Today there are only six media companies here in the United States that are responsible for every movie, television show, radio program, newspaper, or magazine that comes out. Six companies, that’s it. It wasn’t that long ago in the 1980’s there were still over 50 companies, but these days, we’re fighting a losing battle. Information is power, and the elite, often referred to as the New World Order, or the Illuminati see to it that the “little people” don’t ever have enough information, or when we do, they make sure it’s misinformation. That’s why the Internet is so important, because there ARE alternative news sources you can get real information. It’s tough, and you have to sift through some B.S., but the truth is out there as they say. Why do you think the global elite had Trojan clauses that clamp down on Internet free speech inserted into the Trans-Pacific Partnership Act? Their efforts are relentless when it comes to silencing those who speak the truth.
The video below recalls that in 1912, “JP Morgan Interests” hired 12 high ranking managers from different news organizations. They were tasked with determining which papers in the United States were the most influential ones. Once that was determined, next the group was tasked with how many of those papers would be required to generally control the policy of the entire daily press of the United States. After it was determined that to establish control of the national media narrative would only require taking control of the 25 best newspapers papers in the nation, an “agreement” was made.
“The policy of all the papers was bought, and an editor was placed at each paper to insure that all published information was in keeping with the new policy.” Soon, that policy would be defined by a small front group for JP Morgan and his closest colleagues, including his personal attorney who even served as the first President of the front group. Other notable members of this “front group” were none other than the Rockefeller’s and the Warburg’s, aka two of the 13 Families That Rule the World and Are the Shadow Forces Behind the New World Order. The front group later went on to become known as the “Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).” You can learn anout The Council on Foreign Relations and Their Role With The Illuminati Here.
Today, the CFR maintains that its goal is to “increase America’s understanding of the world,” whatever that means, however the REAL mission of this highly exclusive club only occasionally finds its way into the light when a member of the group lets something slip out. A classic example was in the 1970’s when a Georgetown University Professor named Carrol Quigley was writing a book that viewed the Council on Foreign Relations in a favorable light, so the CFR granted him access to their private files. Professor Quigley subsequently revealed that the group’s true goal was:
“to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country, and the economy of the world as a whole.”
In short, they seek total and quiet control. End of story.
Paul A Philips at Humans Are Free writes:
“The people will believe what the media tells them they believe.” — George Orwell
“It’s not a matter of what is true that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true.” — Henry Kissinger
“Whoever controls the media controls reality.” — Peter Jennings
“When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.” — Dresden James
In an earlier message I wrote:
“Nothing in the world is as it seems.”
On one level, the ‘theater of illusion’ world we live in believed by many to be true can be mainly attributed to two things.
1. The hidden controllers running the planet have managed to manipulate the mass media and in effect control consensus reality.
This has been done to produce the desired behavioral patterns; thoughts, opinions, attitudes, social norms… in the masses so that they can be ruled over.
In short, the media is regarded by the hidden controllers as a necessary tool for a dictatorship.
2. The majority of the human population has allowed itself to be deceived through ignorance, deception, stupidity, chronic apathy or a serious lack of curiosity and questioning, all somewhat bolstered by cynicism… Consumerism rules; as long as their bellies are full and heads filled with mindless entertainment or other gratuitous distraction… they’re happy.
Genetic cloning is unnecessary. Cloning has already been done care of the effects of mass media brainwashing.
Taking the above two factors into account let’s look at just how the mass media controls consensus reality.
Tool for a Dictatorship
The hidden controllers regard the human population as nothing more than sheep incapable of looking after themselves, needing to be shepherded.
This has been made abundantly clear over the years by spokesmen/agents for the controllers advocating mind control techniques in the mass media for shaping human thought.
–I would encourage looking up names such as Walter Lippmann (1920’s on), one of the founding fathers of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Tavistock Institute, England who have ties to freemasons, Harold Lasswell (1939-40 Rockefeller funded), Sir Alexander King for the Club of Rome in the 1990’s touting the advantages of new communications technology as an agent of change for a ‘one world order.’… It’s quite an interesting insight.
In through the back door of the subconscious mind
“If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it.” – Edward Bernays
For me, one of the most interesting advocates was Edward Bernays. Most people today probably wouldn’t be familiar with him, but will know his Uncle, Sigmund Freud and many could well have been at some time in their lives under the extraordinary influence of his ideas.
Having studied his Uncle’s work, Bernays knew how the unconscious worked and how it could influence others without them knowing.
He very successfully took his ideas to the mass media in the form of subliminal advertising through subliminal perception.
This occurs when we perceive something in the media like, for example, an advert, but only a part of it reaches our consciousness awareness. The rest of the advert, containing a hidden message, is perceived by our subconscious and because we are unaware of this can cause us to behave in certain ways without knowing why.
I call it’ in through the backdoor of the subconscious mind’. These ‘in through the backdoor’ hidden subliminal messages in mass media can influence us in many ways and without doubt as Bernays had predicted has been as major influence in controlling people’s thoughts, opinions, attitudes without them ever being aware of it.
Now take a look at these examples of subliminal advertising. Most people have found this piece of conniving trickery quite fascinating:
At first glance, this looks like a perfectly innocent advert for the 18-30 club, but when looked at closely you can see the carefully planned out sexual connotations.
The same applies to the advert below. In both cases the adverts are planned so that the unaware prospective customer will only subconsciously perceive the various sexual positions hinted at (but will go on to the buy the holiday..?!).
Doctors have been used to advertise smoking cigarettes. Look at these 1950’s adverts.
The scheme behind this relates to the subliminal thought that Doctors are trustworthy figures. So people then get the idea in their subconscious that it’s healthy to smoke Camel cigarettes…
Remember, subliminal perception is used to influence the masses in a wide range of things; political, educational and scientific indoctrination… etc.
Arrested Development
The mass media has been and still is a useful tool for the controllers in holding back opportunity for real human growth and development: It has become a massive dam of lies and cover-ups; holding back a wealth of knowledge for raising conscious awareness, self-sufficiency and unity for the human race.
The result is basically a planet full of people going nowhere in their lives while the walls surrounding slowly draw in closer, further restricting their freedom.
Media Monopolization
Roughly over 20 years, it stuns me to write that the entire mass media ownership in the USA has gone from 50 to just 5 corporations: AOL-Time Warner, Disney, Sony, Vivendi Universal and Viacom.
The idea of having so few media corporations means that the hidden controllers can more easily be in charge of what they want to release to the people.
This, in essence, means giving the public at large one limited viewpoint, one voice, one point of view, one propaganda message…to produce consent.
For example, ‘There are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq…’ used to engineer consent for the war in Iraq.
A shift in the Wind
“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be … The people cannot be safe without information. When the press is free, every man is able to read, all is safe.” – Thomas Jefferson
An ignorant population does not look to see the greater way, never questions authorities or understand rights and therefore provides little opposition to a dictatorship. If we want to grow as a race we must start educating ourselves.
Be able to learn to discern. Recognize when the media is trying to manipulate us. Whatever it is we’re subjected to in the media, beware of the hidden ulterior motive.
Perhaps it would be better to boycott this propagandist pap altogether and instead of being listless or unresponsive, do something worth-while, campaign for the truth…
Pt. 1: Illuminati Infiltrate NASA, Conceal Largest Lie in History, & Will Depopulate
Pt. 2: Nazi’s and Illuminati Directly Responsible For the U.S. Space Program, but Why
Pt. 3: Secret Societies Arranged For Underground Bunkers For Them, Not You.
Pt. 4: Why Are The Illuminati Planning To Crash the Global Economy
Pt. 5: What Is The Illuminati Doing To Usher in Global Martial Law?
Pt. 6: 74 NASA Scientists Dead: Largest Cover-up in Human History Continues
Pt. 7: What Dark Secrets Are The Georgia Guide Stones Hiding From Humanity
Pt. 8: Former Illuminati Confesses on Obama, Space Program, Denver, and Aliens
Pt. 9: Planet X Accidentally Disclosed by NASA At Recent Conference
Pt. 10: Everything We Have Been Taught About Human Origins Is A Lie
Pt. 11: Secret Identity of Georgia Guide Stone’s Founder Revealed
Pt. 12: Why Did the U.S. Build an Uncapped Pyramid in the Middle of Nowhere? (Video)
Pt. 13: These 13 Families Rule the World: The Shadow Forces Behind the NWO
Pt. 14: Complete List Of Banks Owned By Illuminati Rothschild Family
Pt. 15: Professors and Leaders Congregate To Warn People About New World Order
Pt. 16: Still Believe the New World Order Is Just a Conspiracy Theory? Not After This!
Pt. 17: How Do the Illuminati Control Politics, Music, the Media, and Hollywood? (Videos)
Pt. 18: The Illuminati’s #1 Tool Used To Keep The Masses In Line