The so-called Siilent Majority of the Republican Party are waiting, waiting for the current bloviators to fizzle out. For some, Trump is little more than a blowhard. One forum reader put it rather colorfully:
he real power players in presidential politics are probably very frustrated with thier antics and know better than to get into a pissing match with a polecat (that is Texas language for something you should never do). In the end, Trump will get dumped. He’s go back to one of his fleabag hotels and lick his wounds until some reality TV network calls.
The problem is: banking on a blowhard to run ou t of stseam is a dangerous spollicy in a Presidential race. The wackjobs are sstirred up and the usual copromise that fuels a political system is broken; whether it is broken beyond repair, only the future will tell.