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NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg voices alarm over build-up of Russian military forces

Thursday, November 5, 2015 14:58
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NATO chief voices alarm over build-up of Russian military forces – YouTube


The NATO secretary general has voiced concern over the Russian military build-up from the Baltic Sea to the Mediterranean.

Jens Stoltenberg said Moscow has concentrated military forces in Kaliningrad, the Black Sea, and the eastern Mediterranean. He warned that the force concentrations could lead to Moscow’s ability to limit NATO’s access to certain regions. Stoltenberg called on NATO to come up with a response so that the alliance can overcome these capabilities. Russia has deployed missile systems in Syria to protect its troops and prevent a possible hijacking of its fighter jets and helicopters in Syria. This, as Moscow continues airstrikes on terrorist positions in the war-torn country. Russia launched the aerial campaign in late September upon a request from the Syrian government.


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