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U.S Secret Government Operation Exposed In L.A _Luke Rudkowski

Sunday, November 8, 2015 14:18
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Total 2 comments
  • What about some real issues, like water shortage? :twisted:

  • The government lies so much how do we know what was seen in the sky was not a Russian or Chinese military


    Or, perhaps they have opened a gateway into a different dimension with CERN and let stuff through.

    Or maybe it’s just a hoax light show put on by the government to scare people so, we will go running to the

    government to protect us from boggy men in the sky.

    Those things from different dimensions and/or different parts of the Universes are creatures spoken of in the


    We were told in the Bible they would be here again just as they were in the days of Noah, and right before

    Christ returns.

    So, if whatever it was in the sky was a space alien I sure am glad because that means Jesus will be back not

    too long after they start appearing again.

    And, he’s got a plan for the man who has chosen to serve Lucifer, the Devil.

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