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By Angel Mer Chalk
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We the People versus U.S. Government

Thursday, November 12, 2015 17:33
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The United States Government uses power to hide the truth from America.



We are the one’s  who fought for freedom and chose a Government that brought us freedom.



 It is the United State’s Goverment that will destroy us.




Stephenson firmly saidPeople need to  Fight for the Principles, and stand up for them.



I  am extremly tired that most  americans has not faced reality. 






The Reality of it is our own Government  uses their so called powers to bring”We the People” to our knees.


(Let us not to put Hillary Clinton in this photo).


Nonethless if we do not do anythin soon, there will not be any room for prophecies or armageddon.



Due to that fact, we have created our own demise.



 Hey,do you want your freedom back?



Please speak up?


It was been mentioned to me, that when we come together to demand what we want and need to our government servants, they have to obey us.



Image result for corrupt us government


 To read more on the  corrupt government and this term’s  corrupt President Candidates you can me find and Follow me @ Facebook and Twitter.



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