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Ex Pentagon adviser David Kilcullen says Lone wolf attacks will soon morph into guerrilla war inside Europe

Monday, December 21, 2015 14:03
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Lone wolf attacks will soon morph into guerrilla war inside Europe – ex Pentagon adviser – YouTube


The war in Syria and Iraq has turned into a stalemate. Everyone fights for themselves, and neither US airstrikes, nor Assad’s army efforts are able to deal with Islamic State. However, the jihadist group itself has lost its former power and cannot carry out massive offensive operations. But the situation is not stable, with radicalized groups brewing in the heart of the Western world, getting ready to strike at civilians. With the UN Security Council failing to settle differences and adopt a decent plan on how to handle Syria and Iraq, what will finally break the terrorist group? We ask a former counterinsurgency adviser to the Pentagon and US State Department strategist. David Kilcullen is on Sophie&Co today.


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