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By Luis Miranda, The Real Agenda
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France wants to Institutionalise Tyranny

Wednesday, December 23, 2015 12:19
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A new proposal seeks to strip away people’s double nationality; even for those who were born in French territory. French politicians who are complicit in the current murder of thousands of innocent people in Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and other countries in the Middle East see no limit in their violations of citizens’ rights. The French government has been a faithful pet of the American imperialistic race to turn the planet into a unitary world government. The French armed forces have escorted American and other NATO partners’ murderous actions against men, women and children in developing countries. France’s war games have prompted the most recent attacks on French soil which many experts believe are false-flag events carried out to justify extreme police state measures now being imposed on the citizens. Previous to the attacks of November 13, France passed legislation equivalent to the American Patriot Act as well as a new law that made it legal for French intelligence to spy on every person’s emails, phone calls and internet activities in the name of fighting terrorism. As we all know, those legislations did not prevent the alleged terror attacks. Now, French politicians led by Prime Minister Manuel Valls are proposing to give the government, any government, the power to call for the stripping of people’s rights any time the bureaucracy decides it is time to do so. After the attacks of November 13, the French Council of Ministers has approved this morning the draft to realize a constitutional reform to include in the Constitution a ‘state of emergency’, which the government will be able to enact any time it wants, and in doing so, it will be legalizing the holding of absolute power in the hands of the same corrupt politicians who are responsible for  the wars and the terror attacks. It is, according to the Executive, to provide greater legal basis and that it can avoid arbitrarily decree. That is because, politicians do not believe a decision is arbitrary as long as they are the ones making such a decision, no matter whether the decision violates civil and constitutional rights. The reform also includes a highly symbolic and controversial provision, withdrawing French nationality to people with dual nationality even if the individual was born in France. On the eve, the Justice Minister Christiane Taubira, had said that the approved draft proposal had been abandoned, which turned out to be a lie since the draft has now been approved. The proposed constitutional amendment, which must be approved in Parliament by a majority of three-fifths, will be discussed in the National Assembly in February. “The terrorist threat has never been higher”, said the Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, when he appeared before the media after the cabinet meeting. France has just passed the threshold of the 1,000 people who have traveled to Syria or Iraq to fight, of which about 600 are still there, 148 were killed in combat and 250 have returned, said Valls. In all, some 10,500 people have been placed on a blacklist in the country for their alleged, and for now unproven, relationship with radical Islam, a relationship that authorities cannot explain but that say that include different levels of involvement. It is terrorist actions such as the ones seen in November that provide the right justification for governments such as the French to demand more power in exchange for security, and it is precisely the concession of extraordinary powers which turns democratic governments into tyrannical regimes. We have seen this pattern paly out over and over during history.

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