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Peaceful Islam

Monday, December 14, 2015 17:07
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Diogenes Middle Finger


“Danish linguist Tina Magaard and a team of researchers spent three years examining the texts of the 10 largest religions to see if any incite violence. 'The texts of Islam are clearly distinct from the other religions' texts, as they, to a higher degree, call for violence and aggression against followers of other faiths,' she concluded. 'There are also direct incitements to terror.' … 

“Islam is not a 'religion of peace,' and won't be until most of its followers — the Taliban, the Ayatollah, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, the mullahs of Saudi Arabia — reject tenets like jihad. To suggest otherwise is naive. Virtually everyone is hacking at the branches of this growing menace, and almost no one is striking at its root.”  — Paul Sperry, Hoover Institution


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Total 1 comment
  • Here, here! Well said. Terrorists are the problem, but their hateful religion is most definitely the root. Until you cure the cause, the symptoms will persist. Only when the Imams and the Ayatollahs forbid jihad, will Islam become peaceful.

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