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From the following video, shot about a month ago, you may recall that Vladimir Putin warned of the U.S. sending troops into Syria. Putin vowed such action would have “unpredictable consequences.”
About a week later, Defense Secretary Ashcroft told the Senate Arms Services committee that the U.S. would not hesitate to engage in direct action on the ground in Iraq and Syria.
At the time, I doubt many considered Ashcroft’s statements to be more than just more hollow tough talk, considering it was coming from an administration with Obama’s never ending rhetoric about “No Boots on the Ground.”
Furthermore, the thought of taking action against Russia or Syrian forces seemed even more ludicrous when one considers that Russia already has 150,000 Volunteer Troops in Syria with a Chinese Aircraft Carrier and Iranians Backing Them, and after the downing of the Russian jet, The Russians Moved in Their Military Weapon Affectionately Called “The Monster,” Supposedly Causing the U.S. to Worry.
As I mention in the video from the post titled, The Russians Moved in Their Military Weapon Affectionately Called “The Monster,” the addition of THAT weapon system to the area implies there is a LOT more going on in that region, and with our involvement, than is being reported here in the United States.
That however, should not be a shock. At the close of that post I said we should keep a close eye on the currency crisis, and more and more it looks like a lot of what is happening in Syria is DIRECTLY related to the currency crisis. In the post titled, Peter Schiff and “The 4 Harbingers Of Stock Market Doom,” it mentions 23 countries have already left the U.S. Dollar denominated trade already.
As it stands, there are 31 countries with Chinese Yuan exchange facilities so that those countries can avoid the Dollar all together in international trade. When the system finally implodes, and it will, people can expect to lose up to 70% of their life savings.
Why? it’s a simple matter of supply and demand. As explained in the post titled, Jim Willie Explains Why the U.S. Is Willing to Make Nuclear Threats to China & Russia Over Challenging U.S. Dollar Supremacy, the U.S. almost HAS to go to war to survive, as counterintuitive as that may sound.
If we lose the World Reserve Status, it could easily look like a nuke went off here anyway. If you doubt that I am saying is correct, I advise you to read, Here’s What The Media Won’t Dare Tell You About The 2016 NDAA.
Within, you can go to a link of the actual NDAA Bill. The reason Obama vetoed it the first time, is because the funding to continue to provoke Russia was not included.
Why would provoking Russia be SO important? The U.S. HAS to stop China and Russia from dethroning the Dollar as the reserve currency.
With other countries no longer conducting trades denominated in Dollars, there will be no reason for them to hold U.S. Treasuries, causing a major sell off. When supply of Treasuries greatly exceeds demand in a mass sell off, the value of the Dollar will drop like a rock.
Then, with a worthless Dollar, no one to borrow money from, and no manufacturing infrastructure to speak of, all of a sudden that $500 BILLION trade deficit the U.S. media never talks about is going to be a HUGE problem.
The U.S. has a major currency crisis on our hands that experts have been talking about for years, all the while Obama lies to the American people. The rubber is finally meeting the road. PROOF? We just attacked a Russian ally.
U.S. Just Attacked A Russian Ally!
The United States is currently denying that its Air Force struck the Syrian military in the Deir ez-Zor province on the evening of December 6, but the Syrian government is confirming that a direct assault on the SAA did, in fact, take place.
Given the history of the United States and its 5-year proxy war against the secular government of Bashar al-Assad and the hesitancy of the Syrian government to admit when it has actually sustained damage, it is safe to assume that the claims of the latter can be believed.
Thus, it appears that, on the evening of December 6, four US-led coalition planes launched nine missiles against the SAA’s Saeqa military camp in Deir ez-Zor province.
At least four Syrian soldiers were killed and thirteen others were injured. A sizable amount of ammunition, armored vehicles, military vehicles, and various forms of military equipment were also destroyed in the raid.
The Syrian Foreign Ministry has stated that “Syria strongly condemns the act of aggression by the US-led coalition that contradicts the UN Charter on goals and principles. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent letters to the UN Secretary General and the UN Security Council.”
Coalition spokesman Col. Steve Warren has denied the accusations, however, saying that “We’ve seen those Syrian reports but we did not conduct any strikes in that part of Deir ez Zor yesterday. So we see no evidence.” He admitted that airstrikes did take place in the region but claimed that they were conducted around 55 km away.
The duplicity of the United States and its “coalition” should be carefully noted, however, since the U.S. has, in the past, claimed that Assad was massacring innocent civilians, engaging in chemical weapons attacks, and indiscriminately barrel bombing civilian areas – all claims that have been thoroughly debunked and proven to have been the handiwork of the Western-backed terrorists themselves. Thus, the track record of the U.S. is dirty to say the least, especially when it comes to events in Syria.
It should also be noted that the province in which the attack occurred is one that is largely controlled by ISIS, thus further weakening the SAA presence in the area and initiating a situation in which ISIS is much more likely to gain full control. In addition, Deir ez-Zor has significant strategic importance since the area also contains a number of oilfields controlled by ISIS and used by the terrorist organization to provide supplemental funding.
Clearly, if the United States and its coalition were interested in destroying ISIS, they would be working with Bashar al-Assad and his military not bombing it. It would be attempting to shut down the Jarablus corridor.
Instead, the United States and NATO are doing everything in their power to destroy the Syrian government while promoting ISIS as a proxy army that will then be used to destroy Iran and Russia.
There is a dangerous game being played in Syria right now and one that may eventually affect the lives of every human being on the planet. Eventually, the Russians – the only military legally bombing inside Syria – will be forced to respond directly or face terrorism running rampant inside their own borders in the not-so-distant future along with an embattled government and the hovering Anglo-American vultures awaiting the perfect time to swoop in and implement their long-sought-after geopolitical goals. Indeed, Russia has no choice in the matter.
While Russia has repeatedly responded to provocations with a level head, it is apparent that a military response will eventually be elicited. After all, violence seems to be the only language some are able to understand.
Regardless, NATO, GCC, Israel, and the United States are clearly the aggressors in this growing confrontation and the responsibility lies with them to cease and desist in their warmongering provocations before it becomes too late. Much of the world has awakened to this fact. It is high time for the people living within these countries to join with the rest of the world’s population and demand an end to imperialist foreign adventures.
Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is an author out of Florence, South Carolina. He has a Bachelor’s Degree from Francis Marion University and is the author of six books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, and The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President. Turbeville has published over 500 articles dealing on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s podcast Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)
Russia does not have 150,000 boots on the ground in Syria !
I knew the USA (Add the UK soon) would start to have these little accidents where they bomb the Syrian army or the kurds who are realy fighting ISIS in Syria and not just saying they are like the US did for two years as ISIS grew bigger.
Don’t blame Russia or Syria when they fire back the next time these little accidents happen.
if the USA/UK wanted to help in Syria then all they have to do is pick up the phone and call Turkey plus Saudi Arabia and ask them to not forward the weapons we sent them on to ISIS, cancel the order because they world is on to our little plan.
Russia uses Syria as it’s only port for oil exportation to Europe. Th U.S funded he rebels to take control of this country for an oil pipe line to Europe and shutting dpwn Russia’s entry port. because Russia and China are no longer buying dollars for oil. Which is the only basis for our dollar and ill render it worthless. Assad never gassed his people, that was CIA, just like when we gassed the Kurds and blamed Saddam. We Americans have always been the terrorist. We created Isis for this reason, we actually armed them through the abandoned embassy in Benghazi. Russia and the world knows this. A Pentagon report from 2002, stated the plans to invade 5 countries in the mid east, Syria is the last one an it is over the oil. All terrorist attacks are our CIA, just like 911 and the Oklahoma city bombing , Sandy hook. All of them. Which can be verified in one video, easily found on you tube (Terror Storm)