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Sometimes it’s amazing how the Road to Roota Theory manifests over time.
It has come to my attention that the new January 2016 Economist Magazine Cover is once again set up to give us hints as to the games that will be played with our lives over the course of the new year.
The new cover was just posted and guess who is presented smack dab in the conspiracy area of the picture? (like the arrows 11.5 & 11.3 on last years cover)
And he’s sitting right next to a pseudo-computer that is turning from 2008 to…???(the previous times he set his computer program to take down the system were 1987, 1993, 2000, 2008 and now 2015/2016!!
Also a gold coin is coming down on a parachute made from a US dollar, Merkle is hiding a GOLD top over a red jacket. Obama has a green tie…and on and on!!