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Understanding Trump…

Tuesday, December 22, 2015 21:55
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Trump says Hillary got schlonged.  The media goes insane.  He says he only meant that she got beaten.  And you know what folks, that’s exactly what he meant.  I say people get “screwed” or “f*cked” quite often.  I don’t mean that literally.  It’s simply a figure of speech.  Was it a slightly vulgar one, well yeah, no doubt.  But good gravy don’t take it literally.  That’s the dirty minds of the left-wing liberals at play there.  Nothing more.  Had he said she got screwed…no one would have blinked an eye though the definition is nearly the same.  And you know what, the truth is…she did get screwed over by Obama.  He bought her off with a cabinet post.

Had it been Hillary who said Donald got schlonged, the crowd would have laughed and she’d been a hit with it…because that’s how the mainstream media work.  Their darlings never do anything wrong.  Had it been me, I’d have used the flipping “f-bomb” to describe it.  Sometimes a cuss word is the only thing with enough impetus and depth to accurately portray a situation, person or event.

And is this really all we’ve got to make a stank out of?  People die all over the world and America is pooping a brick over Donald saying, “schlonged?”  We’re pathetic.

And if we’re comparing apples with oranges, until Donald runs guns to ISIS, has his finger in illegal land deals, questionable law firms, mysterious suicides, deaths of ambassadors, and takes responsiblity for the complete implosion of the middle east and loss of relations with Russia…well…then he’s still a leg up on Hillary, isn’t he?  Oh, is “leg up” considered wrong too?  Maybe I should just say it like it really is and stop using analogies.  

He could recite every four letter word known to man and he would still be better than Hillary.

‘Nuff said…[drops mike and walks off stage]

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