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Have you seen the Ted Cruz / Duck Dynasty campaign ad?

Wednesday, January 13, 2016 16:10
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(Before It's News)

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas speaks to potential supporters at the Londonderry Fish and Game club in Litchfield, N.H., Sunday, April 19, 2015. (AP Photo/Mary Schwalm)

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas speaks to potential supporters at the Londonderry Fish and Game club in Litchfield, N.H., Sunday, April 19, 2015. (AP Photo/Mary Schwalm)

This Ted Cruz ad featuring Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson is what I like to see in a primary ad. Which is to say, it presents the candidate in a positive and entertaining light, while doing nothing that could turn around and bite another candidate in the rear in the general election.  The short version: Phil Roberston lists his criteria for a good Presidential candidate. He then tells you that Ted Cruz fits his criteria. Then he and Ted go duck hunting.  Gunshots ensue, progressive hands all over America shake in reactionary rage and instinctive fear-of-Boomstick, and you realize that you’ve been chuckling for the last minute.

Here, watch it for yourself:

Phil Robertson’s criteria in this video is also a pretty good assessment of likely Republican voters: we respond well to candidates who are godly, who love America, who are competent, and, yes, who can shoot a duck and turn it into food. Now, I’m not going to say yea or nay to whether Mr. Robertson made the right call – sorry – in his endorsement.  I am going to say that this is a good campaign ad. And that it’s one that other campaigns should look at, while taking notes.

The post Have you seen the Ted Cruz / Duck Dynasty campaign ad? appeared first on RedState.


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