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Trump update 1/13/2016..Pensacola Florida

Wednesday, January 13, 2016 18:28
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The Rapes! The Riots!”: Trump Blasts Merkel’s Immigration Policy

Europe’s worsening refugee crisis is in many ways the best thing that could have happened to Donald Trump’s Presidential campaign.

Last summer, the brazen billionaire kicked off his run for the White House by taking aim at America’s broken immigration policy. Trump painted a picture of an impossibly porous Mexican border across which stream hordes of drug dealers and rapists who poison American society and bleed the economy dry.

As luck would have it, the flood of migrants streaming into Western Europe from the Mid-East accelerated just as Trump’s anti-immigrant rants hit the airwaves, affording the Teflon Don a bulletproof PR cover for what might otherwise have been a largely indefensible string of vitriolic rhetoric.

Since then, the GOP frontrunner has used the San Bernardino attacks to justify a call for a “No Muslims Allowed” sign on the US treehouse and now, sure enough, he’s pointing to the wave of sexual assaults in Cologne on New Year’s Eve as evidence of what can happen when you “go off the reservation” and implement an irresponsible immigration policy. More importantly, he suggests the assaults are also evidence of why he, rather than Angela Merkel, should have been TIME’s person of the year.


The Ultimate Blowback from U.S. Foreign Policy? Donald Trump

By Walden Bello

……… The Ultimate Blowback

It’s unfortunate that this opportunistic, demagogic game of playing on physical fear (“Muslim terrorists out to take your life”) and economic fear (“Mexican workers out to steal your jobs”) has resonated among so much of the country’s white population. Trump, whose anti-Muslim and anti-Mexican rhetoric is most brazen, leads his opponents in the Republican presidential race by a wide margin in the surveys.

Instead of aggressively challenging the Republican candidates’ inflamed rhetoric and pointing to U.S. political and economic programs as the cause of the blowback, most liberal leaders are on the defensive. Only Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent, is pointing to the real roots of America’s foreign policy and domestic crises. In the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, his opponent, Hillary Clinton, continues to push for more military intervention in the Middle East and is reluctant to finger Wall Street as the source of the country’s economic troubles.

The country seems headed towards an even less liberal democratic order than now exists — one marked by more religious intolerance, more restrictions on civil liberties, and more immigration rules designed to keep out migrants. And that, as Chalmers Johnson so presciently warned, was really the ultimate blowback.


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