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We Are On the Road To Normalizing Pedophilia

Monday, January 11, 2016 7:34
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This has been coming for years. Ever since Anthony Kennedy decided that his view of human sexuality was the only one permitted in the United States we have been gathering speed in what will inevitably be the declaration by the Supreme Court that pedophilia is a Constitutionally protected right and the EEOC and other federal agencies will set about making us honor that particular perversion.

Back in September we saw one of the first blatant efforts to legitimize pedophilia. Salon published a piece titled I’m a pedophile, but not a monster (ummm, no).

My name is Todd Nickerson, and I’m a pedophile. Does that surprise you? Yeah, not many of us are willing to share our story, for good reason. To confess a sexual attraction to children is to lay claim to the most reviled status on the planet, one that effectively ends any chance you have of living a normal life. Yet, I’m not the monster you think me to be. I’ve never touched a child sexually in my life and never will, nor do I use child pornography.

But isn’t that the definition of a pedophile, you may ask, someone who molests kids? Not really. Although “pedophile” and “child molester” have often been used interchangeably in the media, and there is some overlap, at base, a pedophile is someone who’s sexually attracted to children. That’s it. There’s no inherent reason he must act on those desires with real children. Some pedophiles certainly do, but many of us don’t. Because the powerful taboo keeps us in hiding, it’s impossible to know how many non-offending pedophiles are out there, but signs indicate there are a lot of us, and too often we suffer in silence. That’s why I decided to speak up.

See how easy that was. Pedophiles are normal, just like you and me. Only a few do bad things. Interesting theory. Impossible to disprove. And so we’re off to the races.

We’ve nipped around the edges for years. We allow 13 and 14 year old girls to get abortions without any police involvement. We’ve enacted “Romeo and Juliet” laws that sexualize young women and give older sexual predators a literal “Get Out of Jail Free” card. We saw GOP women side with the abortion industry in defeating a bill that would have required any woman asking for an abortion based on rape or incest to report the incident to the police. In short, all the ground work has been laid for making pedophilia a legitimate sexual activity.

As it turned out, Todd Nickerson was not quite as anti-sex-with-kids as he let on. This from a pedophile-friendly chat room he frequented:

…in fact, I’d argue that it’s actually benificial for the child. I will reiterate my swimming metaphor here (though I’ve already mentioned it twice.) Society preventing children from engaging in sex play and romance play is akin to preventing them from learning to swim, but not only that — refusing to tell them anything ABOUT swimming (or swimming pools or lakes . . .) and then, when the child turns 18 or so, taking them to the ocean and tossing them in, shouting, “Well, you’re on your own!” That’s what society does to children in the name of protecting them.

This essay appeared shortly after a transexual progressive activist involved in the whole GamerGate affair, named Nicholas (but you can call me Sarah) Nyberg was revealed to have been a pedophile before he became a she. And in the shadow of Lena Dunham, Hillary Clinton’s campaign surrogate, revealing her own sordid background of pedophiliac incest.

Milo Yiannopolous, writing at Breitbart observes:

Yet, incredibly, Salon is by no means alone. In the aftermath of the Jimmy Savile scandal in the UK, the Guardian published a feature carrying the disturbing claim that there is “not even a full academic consensus on whether consensual paedophilic relations necessarily cause harm.” Even left-wing comedy websites are complaining about society’s “misunderstanding” of pedophiles, and their writers post pictures of their own children to pedophiles in “support” when the self-confessed perverts are outed.

What’s happening here? Why are defences of pedophilia so rampant on the Left? And why are pedophiles so attracted to the progressive movement, as opposed to conservatism, libertarianism, or even anarcho-capitalism?

Horrifyingly, there are signs of a new pedophile acceptance movement forming on the Left. Just as Allen West warned, the gay rights movement is being used as a template. First comes the argument that pedophiles are just “born that way,” absolving them of any moral responsibility for their desires. Then comes the argument that pedophiles are just normal people, like the rest of us, but somehow impoverished or victimised by their own condition.

Inevitably, our society’s current ostracisation of pedophiles will be portrayed as an injustice: an oppression from which pedophiles must be liberated, or for which they deserve our sympathy. And woe to the oppressors! Quietly, in progressive columns and academies around the world, progressives are losing their footing and sliding down that slippery slope. Publications like Salon are abetting the turpitude.

An lo and behold, we see phase two of the operation unfolding. We are being conditioned to believe that pedophiles acting as, well, pedophiles is a function on them being shunned by normal people and made feel inferior. From Realizing You’re a Pedophile Can Make You Want to Kill Yourself:

While some people are unbothered by the idea of persecuting someone not because he committed a crime but because of a sexuality they didn’t choose and don’t want, there are good reasons to be against this kind of mob justice. While studying adolescents who sexually abused other children, Miner, the professor from the University of Minnesota, found these individuals had often grown up socially isolated and that this isolation “more likely predicts committing sex crimes against children as against committing other sorts of crimes.”

“The less they have to lose, they less likely they are to adhere to social convention. It seems like it’s to society’s advantage to have those individuals with a propensity for acting out in some sort of deviant way to have better contact with social institutions, social norms, social involvement. That’s a protective factor,” Miner told me.

So pushing pedophiles further into the shadows by persecuting them at every turn may well increase the possibility that they will offend. Distancing pedophiles from society has also made some adopt extreme stances, like Tom O’Carroll, a British pedophile activist, who during the 1980s chaired a notorious pressure group called the Paedophile Information Exchange, which advocated abolishing consent laws completely. O’Carroll, who has been jailed for child pornography charges, admits on his blog that his views remain at odds with mainstream thinking with regards to “children’s sexual self-determination.

The unfortunate truth is that pedophiles and their sympathizers are using the homosexual rights playbook. The same arguments Anthony Kennedy (and I have no evidence that Kennedy is a pedophile) made in deciding Lawrence vs. Texas and hammered home in Obergefell vs. Hodges can be applied directly to pedophiles. The fact that we already allow 13 and 14 year old girls sufficient agency to decide to take birth control pills or get an abortion without parental consent is a de facto death blow to state age of consent laws. Once consent is taken as something that is inherent in one’s humanity, ephebophilia (or pedophilia-lite) will be all the rage and it will just be a hop-skip-and-jump to full blown legalization of pedophilia.

The unfortunate thing is that on the progressive side of the spectrum, where the urge to use whatever it takes to scratch that insatiable itch in your nether regions, there is already an an underlying current of pedophilia evident in movies and television that needs just a tiny nudge to take off. And when this happens you will see pedophilia mainstreamed into HBO, Showtime, and the edgy Hollywood and Indie movies that are featured at Cannes and Sundance.

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Total 7 comments
  • Yep hell in a hand basket, he can be a she, fags get married and pedos get a free pass… told ya god is dead and we are already in hell.

  • beating the living crap out of them and cutting there dicks off will be Normalized as well .

  • we do it in Ireland why not here as well ?

    • Lord God help us,I hope and pray with allmy heart that sanity prevails and paedophiles continue to be anathema and pariahs.The only good paedophile is a dead one.I heard of one young bloke disclosing unhealthy thoughts to his female friend;he then killed himself and his note said he did it because he did not want to harm a child. I can’t help but feel he did the right thing!

  • In the West, we have age of consent.
    Based on physical and mental maturity of the individuals involved.
    Anything below that is considered perverse, abusive and/or cohersive.
    A GOOD father who is looking out for the best interests and safety of his children must be given every legal right to prosecute, with the utmost severity, anyone who seeks to harm or pervert his children.
    Our legal systems are often not up to the task to properly defend our children, so GOOD fathers need to step in and EDUCATE these perverse people into an understanding of what is acceptable and what isn’t.
    This means using robust and, yes, sometimes brutal methods to dissuade people from harming our children.
    A freshly castrated male will not readily pursue underage girls. That is not an opinion, that is a fact.

  • SICK! SICK! Fkn SICK!!! This is the last defining proof that the VATICAN, & its SICK Paedophile Priests rule this world. By “Canon Law” they protect & hide these acts as if they arent bound by normal laws & Justice.
    To claim this is a slight abnormality similar to Homosexuality is beyond belief………but look how “Gay Rights” & “Homophobia” have been pushed onto us normal heteros…….we have become the monsters if we oppose blatant public displays of “queerness”.

    This has all come from the Catholic Church, & this ROT has got to STOP !!!!

    The original priests of Rome were the GALLI. At least they CASTRATED themselves to keep this immorality in check.

    Look at old photos of Catholic Nuns in Habits. Do these look like women to you?

    I am going to the toilet to be violently ill, & will personally GARROT any Catholic Priest with his own ROSEBUD Beads (anal beads) if I catch them abusing the innocent little ones…………puke,barf,puke …….

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