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By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts
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Germans come up with a hopeful Muslim proof toilet

Saturday, February 13, 2016 6:08
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(Before It's News)

Unfortunately, this is how the Europeans will be using the toilet as they are soon to be outnumbered. A little assimilation would keep Europe smelling clean. But it is the soon-to-be-outnumbered Europeans who will do the assimilating to the new Third World standards. Here we go:

The hordes of Islamic savages imported to displace the native population have literally been making a latrine out of Europe with their seventh century notions of sanitation. If you can get them to use a toilet at all rather than crapping in the bushes, they try standing on it and squatting, frequently with unfortunate results. Luckily there is still enough left of a free market for it to provide a solution:

Enter the Global Fliegenschmidt toilet manufacturers based in Coswig, Saxony-Anhalt, who have announced their plans to develop a mobile “multicultural toilet” complete with a squatting platform and water hose for migrant friendly sanitation.

The design was shown to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung national newspaper, who gave a gloriously politically correct write up of the new product, branding it, “Universally applicable: the refugee toilet is ideal for the globalised defecation.”



No need for the water hose. A 2015 Turkish fatwa now allows Muslims to use toilet paper, although many have never actually seen the stuff. – See more at: Moonbattery

Filed under: Immigration Tagged: Fatwa, Germany, Islam Toilet, Muslim


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Total 1 comment
  • Now that is just stupid. These muslim freaks don’t even know how to take a dump???

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