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Infowars Nightly News: Friday (2-12-16)

Friday, February 12, 2016 22:12
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Infowars Nightly News: Friday (2-12-16) – YouTube



Feds Announce They Will Raise Your Child

Big brother wants to be called Big Daddy now. Paul Joseph Watson writes The U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has published a draft document which outlines a plan that will treat families as “equal partners” in the raising of children, opening the door for government intrusion at all levels. The document states “The first step in systemically embedding effective family engagement practices in educational settings is to establish a culture where families are seen as assets and partners in children’s development, learning and wellness. The first two PRINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE FAMILY ENGAGEMENT PRACTICES state

1. Create continuity for children and families. Implement a vision for family engagement that begins prenatally and continues across settings and throughout a child’s developmental and educational experiences.

2. Value equal partnerships between families and professionals. Combine professional expertise with familial expertise to promote shared learning and responsibility for children’s healthy development, learning and wellness. Encourage two-way communication by valuing family input on all aspects of the child’s life and development, including their culture, traditions, and home language.

Principal number 4 states prioritize engagement around children’s social emotional and behavioral health. Engage families around children’s social emotional and behavioral health. Ensure constant monitoring and communication regarding children’s social emotional and behavioral health. Ensure that children’s social emotional and behavioral needs are met and that families and staff are connected with relevant
community partners, such as early childhood mental health consultants and children’s medical homes.

The paper describes how government employees will intervene to provide, “monitoring goals for the children at home and the classroom,” and that if parents are failing to meet the standards set, “evidence-based parenting interventions” will be made to, “ensure that children’s social-emotional and behavioral needs are met.”

Will there be home visits you ask? The document states “Home Visits: To support ongoing relationship building with families, programs and schools should conduct periodic home visits so that teachers and families can get to know each other and communicate about children’s goals, strengths, challenges, and progress. If home visits are not possible for all families, schools or programs should require that teachers or providers and families communicate at the beginning of the year to ensure that the relationship is started in a
positive way.

This bold New World Order draft declaration is nothing less than a declaration of War on American families by pedophilic government overseers. Brought to you by the Obama Administration, the very same administration that criminally wielded the power of the IRS and the NSA on political adversaries. This is a big deal. A real big deal. Take a look at the document for yourself. I will leave a link in the description of this video. This is the New World Order on paper. Coming for you and your family with no apologies.

Cliven Bundy Facing 42 Years in Prison

The US Attorney’s office has issued a federal indictment against Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy following his arrest at the Portland International airport late Wednesday.

Hillary’s Superdelegates: The Plan to Beat Bernie

It doesn’t matter what the Bernie Sanders campaign does because Hillary Clinton is practically already the presidential nominee, a Democratic superdelegate admitted to Infowars reporter Richard Reeves.

BRAVE NEW WORLD: GOV Plans Home Visits to Check Compliance

The federal government is seeking to create a new bureaucracy that would intervene in family life and could even see state-appointed monitors conduct routine home visits to assess a child’s well-being.

Bernie Sanders Is A Fraud

Alex Jones lifts the veil on the socialism lurking behind the curtain of Bernie Sanders’ campaign.………
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