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Gov. Nikki Haley Endorsement: Anyone But Trump

Wednesday, February 17, 2016 7:18
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South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley delivers the State of the State in the House chambers at the South Carolina Statehouse on Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2016, in Columbia, S.C. Haley asked legislators Wednesday in her sixth State of the State to follow the inspirational example of the victims and survivors of last year's tragedies to make South Carolina stronger. (AP Photo/Sean Rayford)

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley delivers the State of the State in the House chambers at the South Carolina Statehouse on Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2016, in Columbia, S.C. (AP Photo/Sean Rayford)

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley said Tuesday she may not endorse anyone ahead of Saturday’s Republican primary, but if she does, it won’t be Donald Trump.

Haley, talking to the press, said Tuesday she’s still trying to make up her mind about whether she will make an endorsement. But she said Trump represents “everything a governor doesn’t want in a president.” Haley said Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Gov. Haley told the reporters  that governors want a president who will work with and fight for them, not come into their state and bash them. She called Trump’s comments “quite Obama-like.” Speaking at Hanahan, SC Monday, Trump criticized Gov. Haley saying she’s been weak on issues related to Gitmo and Syrian refugees.

The Blaze reports that Haley explained she’s looking at all the candidates, slammed the Donald for not “understanding South Carolina’s issues” and  defended herself against Trump’s attack:

I’m doing what a lot of people in South Carolina are doing, which is I watch the debate, been trying to go through all the different situations, I’m looking at all the different candidates and trying to figure out who that person would be, so I’m not at a point yet.

I want someone who’s going to hold Republicans accountable and I want someone who’s going to make a difference not just for our party, but for every person whom they represent in the country.

I think it’s unfortunate when a candidate comes into South Carolina and doesn’t know South Carolina’s issues.

All of you guys know exactly how hard we fought against Syrian refugees, exactly how hard we fought against Guantanamo Bay, exactly how we’ve done it directly with the president and the administration and trying to tell them that we don’t want these things.

You can watch Haley’s presser in this video.

The post Gov. Nikki Haley Endorsement: Anyone But Trump appeared first on RedState.


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