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#SCPrimary: Trey Gowdy misleads in anti-Cruz robo-call

Wednesday, February 17, 2016 9:02
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Trump and Rubio speak during commercial break at GOP Debate via

Trump and Rubio speak during commercial break at GOP Debate via

Since when do allegations count as fact? Yet that is exactly what is happening in the mainstream media with the relentless attacks on Ted Cruz.

The latest is concerning a “push poll” that allegedly came from the Cruz camp, as reported at the Washington Post. The charge is that Remington Research, a consulting firm started by Sen. Ted Cruz’s campaign manager, Jeff Roe, is behind telephone polls that bash Trump and Rubio.

But Chris Wilson, Cruz’s director of research denied that the campaign is engaged in any robo-polls in South Carolina. And after the story broke, resulting in Trump freaking out on Twitter, Politico reported that Ted Cruz told reporters, “[W]e had nothing to do with them….” and additionally, Brian Phillips, the Cruz team’s rapid-response director tweeted:

In response to the controversy as reported at Time, Trey Gowdy is now featured in a robo-call on behalf of Marco Rubio, saying ironically that he has devoted his life to “the truth” yet uses the WaPo story to point the finger at Cruz when the evidence of his campaign’s involvement is not confirmed.

“…The truth actually matters to me,” Gowdy says during the robocall. He continues, “…Sadly, the Washington Post discovered these calls have been linked to the Cruz campaign. The truth is Marco Rubio is a rock-solid conservative. He’s a committed Christian who will protect all life, defend traditional marriage, cut spending and enforce our immigration laws.”

The Washington Post story did not prove that Cruz’s campaign was involved, but Trey Gowdy, who is dedicated to the truth, evidently believes that accusations count as fact.

This author challenges everyone to consider the facts very carefully and to audit these relentless accusations against the one candidate that is currently standing in the way of his fellow candidates, Donald Trump and Marco Rubio.

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