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Trump Opens Huge Lead In Nevada

Wednesday, February 17, 2016 9:46
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(Before It's News)

Ted Cruz is going to need the greatest ground game in history to catch up with Trump in Nevada:

“The Republican side seems set for less suspense when that party holds caucuses on Tuesday, February 23. The poll finds businessman Donald Trump holding a wide lead, topping the field with the support of 45% of those likely to caucus. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz are closely matched in the race for second place, with Rubio at 19% and Cruz at 17%. Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson (7%), Ohio Gov. John Kasich (5%) and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (1%) lag well behind those three.”

¡Jeb! is currently in last place at 1 percent!


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Total 2 comments
  • Well Jeb! has always wanted to be part of “The 1%” … now he has the polling numbers to prove it! He must be absolutely delighted at this most recent confirmation!

  • Daniel Jackson

    I am amazed at he people on here who daily post negative spins on Trump, my problem I have with Cruz is not only the question of his citizenship but of his involvement with his wife’s CFR connections to the North American Union. I would say it is easy to groom Cruz to look and sound conservative. I believe on Cruz will move this nation more towards the CFR’s goal of creating a North American Union and the TPP is as I understand another move in that direction.

    Seeing how that the people resonate with Trump and his anti establishment positions that he takes, not being bought and payed for by the the GOP Pack investors, I am always seeing the negative press for Trump turn around to his advantage in the polls. The people want him because they are tired of Bush’s and Clinton’s as well as NeoCons. I do not agree with Trump on every position, but I agree enough with him and I believe we need a business man in Washington instead of another attorney turned career politician.

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