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FIREWORKS: Cruz Spox Tells Trump Spox ‘I’m Shocked That You’re Not Embarrassed By Your Boss’ [VIDEO]

Friday, March 25, 2016 3:17
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(Before It's News)

In what I will reservedly refer to as a “contentious” news segment, Trump spokesperson Katrina Pierson and Cruz spokesperson Alice Stewart faced off on CNN on Thursday night and things got very heated.

There were there to discuss, of course, Donald Trump’s vicious attack on Heidi Cruz, and Ted Cruz’s response that Trump is a “sniveling coward” (yes, there’s video), but the conversation immediately turned to the character of the men themselves. Pierson predictably offered a weak defense of Trump being right about everything. That’s when Stewart stepped in with the killing blow.

This is not the first time this has happened. Donald Trump, in this cycle alone, has said insulting and denigrating things about Megyn Kelly, about Carly Fiorina, and now Heidi Cruz. It’s absolutely unacceptable. And Katrina, I’m surprised and shocked that you’re not embarrassed. If you’re not embarrassed by your boss’s behavior, that says a lot.

The gloves are all the way off. That was a blistering attack on Pierson’s credibility and frankly on her moral fiber and strength of character. A well-earned attack, mind you, but hard-nosed for sure.

You can watch the rest of the crazy and explosive interview at Mediaite. And don’t miss the video of Ted Cruz calling Trump a sniveling coward, either.

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