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Islamic State Twitter accounts shockingly trace back to British intelligence services

Thursday, March 24, 2016 21:27
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

Islamic State Twitter accounts shockingly trace back to British intelligence services | 16 Dec 2015 | Hackers have claimed that a number of Islamic State supporters' social media accounts are being run from internet addresses linked to the Department of Work and Pensions. A group of four young computer experts who call themselves VandaSec have unearthed evidence indicating that at least three ISIS[I-CIA-SIS]-supporting accounts can be traced back to the DWP. The hacking collective showed Mirror Online details of the IP addresses used by a trio of separate digital jihadis to access Twitter accounts, which have been used to spread extremist propaganda. “Don't you think that's strange?” one of the hackers asked Mirror Online. “We traced these accounts back to London, the home of the British intelligence services.” [LOL! Now, stop calling CLG a 'conspiracy' site.]


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