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By Dr. William B. Mount
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North Korean Troops In Syria Fighting ISIS

Thursday, March 24, 2016 20:04
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(Before It's News)

North Korean Troops are now fighting along side of Syria to kill and destroy the US.Saudi backed ISIS troops.


North Korean and Chinese Troops are trained to SWEEP an area killing everyone – you support ISIS you are dead – maybe that’s why the Russians pulled out – to let hte Chinese and North Koreans “Do Their Thing.”


So sit back, grab a cup of tea, and watch and learn then pray.


Tell everyone – post these videos every where. The more prayer we get the more we can contain this evil.


North Korea Troops In Syria Fighting ISIS – YouTube


The News We Must Have


William B. Mount


Deterring China: US Army to Stockpile Equipment in Cambodia and Vietnam | The Diplomat


Map of Syrian Civil war/ Global conflict in Syria –


Deterring China: US Army to Stockpile Equipment in Cambodia and Vietnam | The Diplomat


TASS: World – North Korean units fight for Bashar Assad regime in Syria — HNC


North Korea Military Strength








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