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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order
Four-year-old who 'mispronounced the word cucumber' threatened with counter-terrorism measures –Boy's family claim nursery staff said saying 'cooker bomb' instead of 'cucumber' could lead to youngster being referred to deradicalisation programme | 11 March 2016 | Nursery workers suggested a four-year-old boy who mispronounced the word “cucumber” as “cooker bomb” should be referred to a counter-terrorism project, his family has claimed. The Asian family said concerns were raised with them after the child drew a picture of a man cutting the vegetable with a large knife. Nursery staff in Luton, Beds, told the child's mother they believed he was saying “cooker bomb” when he was asked about the drawing, and discussed referring the case to the Home Office's 'Prevent' deradicalisation scheme.