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Jesse Ventura’s Dynamite Response To Marco Rubio’s Corporate Money Addiction [Pictures]

Wednesday, March 2, 2016 14:20
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2016 GOP hopeful Marco Rubio hit the campaign trail in Minnesota, where he took shots at the Governor.  Rubio compared Jesse to Trump, stating, “Jesse Ventura is an embarrassment, but Donald Trump will be an embarrassment to America, will be an embarrassment to anyone who supported him. What he will do to our foreign policy will embarra

Marco Rubio robot meme via Twitter

ss everyone in this room.”  Well, if Rubio thought the Governor would sit quietly on this, he’s wrong.

I’m very disappointed in Marco Rubio – someone who wants to be Commander in Chief of our military – is stooping so low as to insult a Vietnam veteran. 

As a veteran, as a former mayor who won in a landslide, and as a former Governor who beat the Democrats and the Republicans, the only one who should be embarrassed here is Marco Rubio: he’s in 3rd place and it’s unlikely that he’ll actually win the primary in his home state. 

I won mayor and governor without a Super PAC, without relying on special interest money, whereas Marco Rubio’s entire political “career” has been backed by corporate interests, such as the private prison conglomerate. SOURCE

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