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More and More Republicans Caving, Agreeing to Obama’s Demands

Saturday, March 12, 2016 10:50
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(Before It's News)

Fellow Conservative,

Barack Obama just announced that he has narrowed down the list of potential Supreme Court nominees and that an announcement could be imminent!

And what are we hearing from the GOPe? Excitement.

(GOPe stands for Grand Old Party establishment.)

They are actually excited about the prospect of confirming an Obama Supreme Court nominee. Even though they promised not to let Obama fill Justice Scalia’s seat, a number of Republican Senators are quietly planning on siding with the Democrats.

It takes just 14 Republicans to side with the Democrats on this. At least two have refused to promise to vote against the nominee. Many more, in secret, have admitted that they want to “hear the nominee out.”

They’re caving. Right now, as you read this, there are meetings taking place in smoke-filled rooms on how to reverse course and push Obama’s nominee through.

After promising that he was done talking about it, Mitch McConnell caved and met with Obama to “hear him out.”

Don’t let them do this!

No way! Tell Congress you will remove them from office if they cave and accept Obama’s Supreme Court nominee!

The path forward is clear. Obama gets no more nominees or confirmations. Not only is there clear precedent to stop this, but we just can’t afford to have Obama pack the courts with any more leftists.

This is what the GOP promised. But everyday, we hear about more and more surrender in the party.

They are so terrified of getting a nominee they can’t control – either Donald Trump or Ted Cruz – that many are actually advocating letting Obama’s pick sail through.

They are traitors. They are traitors to the party, traitors to conservatives, and traitors to America!

They need to be reminded that traitors have no place in Congress…

The GOP is buckling! Don’t let them confirm Obama’s leftist Supreme Court nominee! Send your FaxBlast and DEMAND that Congress hold the line and stop Obama from packing the Supreme Court with another liberal!


Joe Otto
Conservative Daily



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