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By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts
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Obama apology tour continues – Sorry Argentinians because….

Friday, March 25, 2016 3:50
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I didn’t think we could get through his last tour of Argentina without a bow, bend or otherwise denigrating the U.S. This one is particularly annoying. One has to dig deep on this one. Try about 40 years. Meanwhile Obama supports the most repressive regimes, oh yes he does, and decries we didn’t support Democracy in Argentina? Then I give you a clip done in 2012. You decide.

It was 40 years ago that the Argentine military overthrew the civilian government that had been unable to deal with Marxist guerrillas and left-wing violence in general. What followed was a brutal suppression of human rights and murder on an unimaginable scale by the military.

It’s nice that the president found it within himself to condemn the “dirty war” that the U.S. did nothing to stop.

The U.S. did not openly support the military’s tactics, but we didn’t say very much against them either. This left an opening for President Obama to apologize to the Argentinian people for our lack of enthusiasm in working to overthrow a government battling a communist insurgency.

It’s a shame he couldn’t have found the moral courage to make the same criticism of the Castro boys. They’ve been disappearing people for 57 years.

“There has been controversy about the policies of the United States early in those dark days,” Obama said while visiting a memorial park in Buenos Aires dedicated to victims of the dictatorship.

“Democracies have to have the courage to acknowledge when we don’t live up to the ideals that we stand for. And we’ve been slow to speak out for human rights and that was the case here,” he said.

More at PJ Media

Published on Oct 23, 2012 – President’s apology tour four years ago.

President Obama says the idea that he went on an “apology tour” is probably the “biggest whopper” of this campaign. You decide.

Filed under: Obama Tagged: Argentina, Communism, Democracy, Marxism, Obama


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