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Cruz Completes Colorado Sweep

Saturday, April 9, 2016 21:25
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(Before It's News)

Ted Cruz Establishment

Sen. Ted Cruz netted 13 more delegates at Colorado’s state GOP convention Saturday, completing his sweep of  Colorado’s 34 delegates. With the Colorado results, the Associated Press count stands at Trump 743, Cruz 545, and John Kasich 143. Marco Rubio, who suspended his campaign, has 171 delegates. To get the nomination a GOP presidential candidate needs 1,237 delegates.

After the sweeping victory, Cruz  issued the following statement:

Today was another resounding victory for conservatives, Republicans, and Americans who care about the future of our country. Utah, North Dakota, Wisconsin, and tonight’s incredible results in Colorado have proven this: Republicans are uniting behind our campaign because they want a leader with real solutions who will bring back jobs, freedom, and security.

This election is about the hope that our children can still have a more promising landscape of opportunity than generations past. It’s about bringing together Americans from all backgrounds who know that we will be stronger, more prosperous, and infinitely more free if we return power in Washington back to the people. So that Americans are free to create better jobs, live and worship freely, and once again proudly defend “the last best hope of earth.”

Thank you, Colorado, and we ask moms and dads, students and retirees across this country to join us so that together we make this election a turning point for the nation.

Donald Trump’s incompetent campaign issued a sore loser statement threatening to challenge the seating of the Colorado delegation at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. That’s what the Donald does — make threats. Trump is still all talk and no action.

The post Cruz Completes Colorado Sweep appeared first on RedState.


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