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More Proof Kasich Stays in only to do Trump’s Bidding

Saturday, April 9, 2016 19:33
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Intrigue and skulduggery at the Michigan Republican Party Convention. Delegates supporting Donald Trump and John “the Spoiler” Kasich worked together to double-cross Sen. Ted Cruz and keep his Michigan delegates off the powerful committees that govern the national convention and write the party platform.

Michigan gets eight seats on four convention committees that oversee the convention rules, credentials for delegates, settles any disputes among delegates and that writes the official GOP platform. The rules committee seats are even more important than usual this year because of their role in shaping what looks to be a contested national convention in Cleveland.

The Cruz Campaign ran eight delegates for eight committee spots and lost every one. Trump delegates won five of the committee assignments and Kasich delegates won three seats. One Trump supporter and one Kasich supporter won Michigan delegations two seats on the powerful rules committee.

According to CNN, Saul Anuzis — Michigan Cruz Leader Cruz and former chairman of the Michigan Republican Party who ran for national chairman of the Republican National Committee in 2009 and 2011 — said they were “double-crossed” by the Kasich campaign:

The Kasich delegates were supposed to vote with Cruz delegates, he said, but switched sides and voted with Trump behind closed doors Saturday afternoon.

The Washington Post provides additional details about Spoiling Kasich’s campaign doing more of the Trump’s campaign’s dirty work. According to the Post, Anuzis said the Trump and Kasich people had a deal and they wanted their leadership to push through their votes:

Anuzis said his team tried to ensure that convention attendees could cast a secret ballot for the RNC committee assignments. The proposal wasn’t approved.

“John Kasich has decided to bypass any attempt to blur his rationale for staying in the race, and is now openly auditioning for Donald Trump’s Vice President slot,” Anuzis added in an email. “That’s the only possible reason for him to instruct his campaign to join forces with Trump for votes on convention committee assignments.”

Wendy Day, a Cruz delegate who helped organize Cruz supporters in Michigan, told the Post that “The Kasich and Trump teams actually cut a deal and took all those slots. We couldn’t get any of them. That’s fine, it’s politics, but it was interesting to see those two campaigns team up.” The Post reports that Kasich and Trump supporters didn’t deny the charges.

It looks more and more like the double-crossing Spoiling Kasich is campaigning to be the Donald’s running mate.

The post More Proof Kasich Stays in only to do Trump’s Bidding appeared first on RedState.


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