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Bernie Sanders ‘wins’ Wyoming.

Saturday, April 9, 2016 18:17
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‘Win’ is in scare quotes because Bernie Sanders managed to come in either second, or tie, despite winning Wyoming with 56% of the vote.  Why?  Well,  partially the way that the delegates are allocated and partially because of super-delegates. 18 delegates, 14 of which are picked proportionately (15% threshold). It turns out that when you round 8 delegates (Congressional District), 4 delegates (National delegates) and 2 delegates (Party Leaders and Officials)  to the nearest number you get a 7-7 split. That’s the tie. And, of course, Hillary Clinton had already picked up the 4 super-delegates. That’s Sanders coming in second.

So if you’re a Democrat wondering why it is that Sanders keeps winning states and keeps falling behind, don’t worry.  Everything is going according to plan.  Well.  Somebody’s plan.

Moe Lane

PS: Also, can we be honest? Hillary Clinton has a clear majority in the Democratic popular vote at this point.  Note: ‘majority.’  Not a plurality; a simple, straightforward 56% of the Democratic popular vote to date.  This isn’t the Republican primary, where the front-runner is trying to coast on a 37% share of the electorate while the rest of it no-longer-cordially hates his guts. Much as I’d love to have Bernie Sanders be the Democratic nominee, he should probably convince more of his party that this should happen, yes?

The post Bernie Sanders ‘wins’ Wyoming. appeared first on RedState.


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