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Donald Trump To Give Major Policy Speech At National Press Club

Friday, April 22, 2016 6:33
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(Before It's News)

In what is sure to be an hour of slapstick comedy and hilarious hijinks, Donald Trump will attempt to give a serious speech on foreign policy at the National Press Club, in D.C. next Wednesday.

In a story from the Washington Examiner:

 The billionaire is also considering hiring a speechwriter to assist him with several major speeches his campaign has planned in the coming months. Much like the rest of Trump’s newest hires, the speechwriter will reportedly be based in Trump’s soon-to-open campaign office near Capitol Hill.

Since the gilded toad has signaled that his plan is to now, at this stage of the game, become a “serious candidate,” it will be interesting to see if he can pull it off. Also, with this political rebirth, will he turn to the left or the right? There’s very little to indicate that he will become an actual conservative. If his past associations and even his more recent history (up to and including his support of men in women’s bathrooms) is any clue, expect his policy speeches to be full of moderate-to-left rhetoric. His cultists, of course, will eat it up.

Trump’s chief campaign strategist, Paul Manafort offered up this about his boss:

“He’s told Rick [Wiley] and I that he’s willing to spend what’s necessary to finish this out. That’s a big statement from him. The negatives will come down, the image is going to change, but Clinton is still going to be ‘Crooked Hillary,’ and that’s what you’re going to be seeing a lot more of.”

Among other erudite commentary, Trump is said to be working on immigration and education speeches.

We can’t wait.

The post Donald Trump To Give Major Policy Speech At National Press Club appeared first on RedState.


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