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By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts
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Federal Park Ranger Mocks Founders, Constitution … Tour of Independence Hall!

Friday, April 22, 2016 3:18
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(Before It's News)

One by one the very foundations of our culture are under attack. So kids visiting Independence Hall had to hear this weasel show contempt for our founders. I give you a few of her snippets. Don’t bother reading the full rant on the evil founders who by the way were willing to give up their lives and fortunes for us. And just what are we leaving our children? Here we go

A federal employee of the National Park Service who offers guided tours of Independence Hall in Philadelphia — the birthplace of the Constitution — stunned a group of tourists this week by telling them the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were the product of “class elites who were just out to protect their privileged status.”

Holly Holst provided a tour Monday afternoon at Independence Hall laced with factual inaccuracies and disparaging comments about the Founders and the Constitution.

Several attendees of her tour group on Monday told PJ Media that Holst had explained to them that “the Founders knew that when they left this room, what they had written wouldn’t matter very much.” Holst told the group that the “most important part of the Constitution written at Independence Hall was the ability to change it.”

Holst also inaccurately told the tour group that “King George III paid more attention to Parliament” than the colonists “because they were right there and could remove him from office.” Parliament did not possess the power to remove the king from office in the 1770s, and does not possess that power today.

H/T and more at :PJ Media

Filed under: Government Tagged: Constitution, Independence Hall, Park Ranger


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