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Justice Department won't block CIA torture suit

Thursday, April 21, 2016 22:52
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

Justice Department won't block CIA torture suit | 21 April 2016 | The Justice Department has signaled that it won't try to block a lawsuit arising from the CIA's harsh interrogation torture techniques, leaving the door open for a court challenge over tactics that have since been discontinued and widely discredited. Lawyers call the government's stance unprecedented, but also a recognition that a once-secret program is now largely out in the open. They say it's the first time the Justice Department has not sought, as its first step, to dismiss a lawsuit over the interrogation program by arguing that its mere existence is too secret to discuss in court…The lawsuit at issue, pending in federal court in Washington state, accuses the two Air Force psychologists who designed the interrogation program of endorsing and teaching torture tactics under the guise of science.


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