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Infowars Nightly News: Thursday (4-21-16)

Friday, April 22, 2016 7:49
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Infowars Nightly News: Thursday (4-21-16) – YouTube



Correcting Bad Grammar, Being on Time is Racist

The Guardian’s Mona Chalabi says that correcting bad grammar is offensive and racist because white people are more likely to be concerned about good grammar.

According to the newspaper’s data editor, grammar rules were invented by wealthy white people and therefore non-whites should be free to ignore them without being criticized.
And a Professional Educator argues Grades, Showing Up On Time Are A Form Of White Supremacy

Donald Trump on Transgender Bathrooms

Donald Trump said that transgender people like Caitlyn Jenner can use any bathroom facility that they would like in Trump Tower.

That’s very progressive of him, but he’s missing the point that the state of North Carolina is fighting against a federal mandate that will police the majority of people to appease less than .3 percent of the population.

Senor Thor Smashes Cartel
A real life Avenger takes it upon himself to combat the cartel.

Gender Identity Policy Threatens Children’s Safety
Infowars reporter Joe Biggs asks customers at Target stores in Austin, TX whether they are comfortable with Target’s recently “restated” policy allowing men who supposedly identify as females to enter women’s bathrooms and changing rooms.

NWO Defends Its Sale Of Baby Parts

David Daleiden, founder of the Center For Medical Progress and the man sued by Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation argued early on “Every taping we did during this project was done in full compliance with the local recording laws. The video specifically from the pathology lab at the Planned Parenthood clinic that was included today, that was done in Denver, Colorado, which is a one party consent state, which is completely applicable.

Meanwhile, several social media posts detail an apparent pro-abortion rally at the University of North Georgia held last week at which cookies in the shape of babies were reportedly eaten and had their heads broken off. ‘The pro-abortion folks were eating the baby cookies or breaking the heads off and laughing …’

Yet even as freedom of the press was scrutinized by the leftist establishment agenda and planned parenthood protected. A bipartisan battle ensued on Capitol Hill over the validity and legality of newly revealed documents that provided legitimacy to Daleidan’s findings.

Clearly there are more questions and falsehoods surrounding the fetal tissue scandal. But it isn’t Planned Parenthood’s feet being held over the fire. Here in liberal bizarro land, an attack on the first amendment is well underway. Leftist propaganda fueled drivel pushers, like MSNBC and Salon for instance, continue to argue that David Daleiden isn’t a journalist and deserves no quarter for his actions to uncover the truth behind the sacred walls of the Rockefeller supported African American decimating Planned Parenthood. Dinosaur media is completely steering the boat in another direction, veering the public conversation as far away from the highly questionable practices of the sale and distribution of America’s children.………
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