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ISIS update 4/17/2016.. Aleppo crucial for the course and outcome of the Syrian war

Sunday, April 17, 2016 12:25
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(Before It's News)

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The situation under the Aleppo to 16.04.2016 – Colonel Cassad

By mid-month battle for Aleppo continues to be crucial for the course and outcome of the Syrian war. Despite the partly existing truce (which adheres to a part of the “green” tied to the US) and held in Syria elections (which will not be recognized by the West, “green” and Kurds and de facto little to influence), the war goes on, and all 3 parties to the conflict take an active part in operations under the Aleppo. As before there are fights in different directions, where the parties are fighting each other. As previously notable is the fact that all three parties are trying to conduct offensive operations to achieve decisive results associated with the establishment of control over the roads and towns near Aleppo that in the future should provide benefits in the fight for the city itself is divided into zones of control .

Since early April, all three parties have stated that they will carry out active operations and during the first two weeks, we have seen the realization of these ambitions.

Consider the main sites of the battle for Aleppo.


After being defeated in the February battles for Hanassera tracks, as well as the defeat of the March in Palmyra and Al-Karateyna by April Caliphate had the necessary rearrangement of its forces and once again began to be offensive activity from April 14-15, resumed the attack on the track at Hanassera. all with the same goal – to get to the track, to gain a foothold there and seize the supply channels leading CAA group fighting to the east of Aleppo. Previous attempts have failed because of lack of forces from the rebels, but the idea seems quite logical, as the attacks on the road forced CAA to transfer command here additional forces to repel militias go to the track. At this time, the Caliphate has once again managed to jump out to the highway, but not for long, and “fire brigade” fairly quickly drove the “black”, who nevertheless fought off a piece of territory with several villages to the east of the road and took serious enough trophies in the surrounding villages (in including Iran). In addition to standard objectives associated with the struggle for the track in Hanassera, solves the problem of linking the Caliphate of Syrian troops in these local battles, which prevents the concentration of troops for more ambitious plans related to the onset of Raqqa, Deir ez-Zor and Aleppo.

It is expected that the SAA will be forced to transfer additional forces here from the north to relieve pressure on Al-Bab and dayr hafir. After the fighters once again broken, we should expect a transfer of units directly under Hanassera Aleppo in late April – early May.

According to the agency, “the United States asked the Russian Federation to help bring an end to the offensive of President Bashar Assad’s forces in the opposition in Aleppo, warning at the same time, that such an offensive is increasingly jeopardizing entered into force nearly seven weeks ago the truce.”

Bloomberg notes that the leaders of the opposition groups claim that in the area of ​​Aleppo against them has been fighting the Syrian government army. The agency also reported that the Russian side said that military action is a response to the attacks of terrorist groups. April 12 became known that the Syrian government forces launched an offensive against militants south of Aleppo. The army is trying to regain control of the strategically important town of Tel al-Ace. Russian Defense Ministry reported that the holding assault on the city of Aleppo is not planned in turn. According to the military authorities, the terrorists are planning a large-scale offensive to cut the road linking Aleppo to Damascus. – Zinc

PS. The reasons are understandable concerns. The onset of the green at the Al-Iisa actually stopped the Syrian army tries to draw in the neck through which is supplied with the “green” part of Aleppo, the Russian air force strikes on rebels to the north and south of the city, as well as work out for the Caliphate together Syrian Air Force in al-Bab district and Hanassera area. At the same time continuing concentration of Syrian troops and Iranian contingent at Aleppo. Given the superiority in tanks, armored combat vehicles, artillery and aircraft, it is clear that the combined action of “green” is very likely in the next 2-3 weeks may suffer a significant military defeat of Aleppo. The Russian military even specifically stated that it is not planning to take the city, suggesting that the first major efforts will be focused on defeating the militant groups trying to conduct offensive operations in the Aleppo area.

US course seriously bustle as RF mainly strikes at “Al-Nusra”, “Dzheyh al-Islam” and “Ahrar al-Sham” which themselves de facto do not fulfill the truce, and specifically under the Al-Iisom, namely, “An-Nusra” and “Ahrar al-Sham” first broke the cease-fire and captured the village, which has led to many days of bloody meat grinder, where both sides have killed several hundred people. Naturally Russia supports the CAA, the Iranian military and Hezballu in these battles along the way continues to strike Caliphate. US turning a blind eye to Russia’s actions against the Caliphate, but are trying in every way to pass on the issue of Russia’s inability to sort the US “green” to “good” and “bad.”

It is primarily concerned with “Dzheyh al-Islam” and “Ahrar al-Sham”, which on the one hand involved in the truce formally, on the other hand constantly violate it. Truce less complies with only part of the troops and the SSA of the small moderate factions. Main jihadist forces de facto continue the war, and indeed expected. Of course, as the US and Russia situationally advantageous to maintain a partial truce, during one and a half months to these violations a blind eye, as Russia and Syria have received a temporary window to take away the Caliphate Palmyra and Al-Karateyn and US have stepped up their plans related to ” small victorious war against the Caliphate. ” But now, in light of the activation of “green”, this was a situational compromise begins to crumble, because Assad refuses to listen to ultimatums from “green” is on the rise, and Russia and Iran can not respond to offensive operations “green”. The US is trying to put pressure on them, threatening infamous “option B”, but due to poor handling of the “green” groups, these threats have a limited effect, as both these threats, CAA, Russia and Iran continued to concentrate troops at Aleppo.

Plus, the stabilization of the situation prevents the ongoing Kurdish-Turkish War, which is constantly fueling the fighting in Northern Syria on the one hand plays into the hands of the Caliphate, on the other hand prevents the US plans and the Russian Federation, as in certain scenario, the US and Russia were I would not drag against the Kurds in the negotiations, but everything depends on the position of Turkey, which is fueling the insurgents fighting the Kurds, so as not to give the order to establish control over the border, and strongly opposed the participation of Kurds in the post-war settlement. Plus Assad himself by virtue of recent successes and will not hear of Kurdish autonomy than further complicating the situation.

Russian Federation at this stage is advantageous stop the fighting in some areas and continuing them for others to help Assad to beat their enemies individually, rather than when they piled all together. The United States also understand this and ask / require a complete collapse of the offensive. The ball is now on the side of Russia, while taking into account the existing coalition obligations in relation to Iran and Syria, it is likely to be selected a hybrid version, when for example in one of the areas of fighting suspend (if the US will on their part to influence the “Greens”) and the US with the Russian Federation will be able to maintain at least a semblance of truce, and in other areas to continue fighting (especially where strong position, “Al-Nusra”). The situation has gone too far, so that it can be resolved exhortations, threats, elections and good will.

Under Hanasserom case developed a traditional way. Attack of the Caliphate to the track recaptured, reinforcements arrived and the army began to push again, “black” to the east.

When receive permission fights under Hanasserom and Al Iisom, Aleppo will begin to come to the fore, and most likely it will be due to the problem of “throat”, where in recent days by the statements of Syrian sources, “Al-Nusra” Only dead has lost more than 90 people, including several commanders. Fighting in the dilapidated suburbs and villages around Aleppo is increasingly starting to influence world politics.

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