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Obama’s War on Business Ins’t Done

Friday, April 8, 2016 13:42
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(Before It's News)

Is there any president in recent memory who has done so much harm to America’s businesses, large and small?

President Obama has held to his instincts as a “community organizer,” viewing the business segment as “the man” oppressing the average person. Except that the average person — those who still have a job, at least — generally tend to work for the businesses Obama is killing

Most prominently, there’s been Obamacare and its requirement that small businesses cover their employees’ health insurance or put them on a part-time footing to squeeze under the 50-worker threshold, at which the requirement kicks in. It’s a huge addition to the bottom line for many businesses that are barely profitable. Meantime, insurance rates are soaring, forcing small business owners who buy their own insurance to pay the higher rates.

The president isn’t quite finished inflicting damage, preparing a “flurry” on regulations to which he wants businesses newly chained, the Wall Street Journal has reported. “Planned moves — across labor, health, finance and the environment — range from overtime pay for white-collar workers to more obscure matters such as requiring food makers to disclose added sugar on cartons of flavored milk,” the Journal said.

Read the rest of this piece over at LifeZette.


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