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Israelis demolish Palestinian homes in West Bank
Israeli cuts 47 Palestinian olive saplings in East Jerusalem
Pro-Palestinian protesters disrupt Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat’s speech
“Hospitals improperly segregating Israeli, Palestinian moms”
by Stephen Lendman
Palestinians wanting to live free from Israeli state terror are called terrorists.
They’re targeted for elimination, extrajudicially executed by land, sea and air attacks, including by Hermes 450 attack drones, similar to US predator ones – instruments of cold-blooded murder.
Israel admitted its drone assassination policy with little elaboration, saying they’re “very widely used in (its) air force operations against” terrorists – aka defenseless Palestinian men, women and children, notably slaughtered during its naked 2014 Gaza aggression and preemptive aerial attacks after hostilities ended.
Just societies call extrajudicial assassinations cold-blooded murder, culpable parties held accountable.
In Israel, they’re given medals, promoted and honored – its regime rewarded with billions of dollars of largely US military aid, used for more killing.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at